IMDb Movie Review Rating Prediction

This is an application where you can build models that can predict ratings of IMDb movie reviews. It works by extracting important features from IMDb Largest Review Dataset. Feature extractor jobs are implemented in map-reduce fashion and executed on a Hadoop cluster. Tf-Idf, N-Gram Count and Exclamation/Question Mark Count features are available for you to extract. After feature extraction, a Random Forest Classifier is trained using the extracted features. Then, you can predict an unseen instance from the application and see the top 5 similar reviews. Similar reviews are found by executing a job on hadoop that calculates cosine similarity scores between every review in the dataset and the given review.

Technical Details

Job implementations are done by using MRJob library in Python. A website is developed using Flask and JavaScript (Vue.js). You can train models, make a prediction and find similar reviews from the landing page of the website.

All of the info related to the model such as selected feature types, dataset, model's pickle file, train data, etc. are stored in the file storage system in a separate folder. User can give names
to the models that they are built. In the prediction, user can refer to that model name to select the corresponding model.

How to Run the Application

First of all, you need an Hadoop cluster up and running on your machine. Check out this article for setting up an Hadoop cluster.

Application is developed on Ubuntu 20 operating system. Assume that your default pip and python binaries have the following names: pip3 and python3.

  1. Install the necessary libraries:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Download the dataset. sample.json and part1.json files are used in the application. You need to preprocess these files.

  2. Preprocess both files using the following command:

python3 --input /path/to/sample.json –output /output/path/to/preprocessed_sample.csv

python3 --input /path/to/part1.json –output /output/path/to/preprocessed_part1.csv
  1. Make a directory in HDFS named /input. Upload the processed datasets to that directory
hadoop fs -mkdir /input

hadoop fs -put /path/to/preprocessed_sample.csv /input/preprocessed_sample.csv

hadoop fs -put /path/to/preprocessed_sample.csv /input/preprocessed_part1.csv
  1. Run the application by executing the file:

Some Screenshots