
Cloudberry Database Filedump is a utility to format Greenplum heap/index/control files into a human-readable form. You can format/dump the files several ways, as listed in the Invocation section, as well as dumping straight binary.

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Greenplum Database Filedump

Greenplum Database Filedump is a utility to format Greenplum heap/index/control files into a human-readable form. You can format/dump the files several ways, as listed in the Invocation section, as well as dumping straight binary.

This project is based on PostgreSQL Filedump, with modification for support of Greenplum Database. Refer to the PostgreSQL Filedump wiki for more information.

The original readme of PostgreSQL Filedump is included as README.pg_filedump.


This package only supports building in pgxs mode, which means you will need to have a properly configured install tree (with include files) of the appropriate GPDB major version.

You can typically build like this:

# make sure we can find the gpdb package
source /path/to/greenplum_path.sh

# build the pg_filedump

The build result is a binary file named pg_filedump, you could copy it to your target machines and run it without the gpdb binaries.

Gpdb versions

This package only supports gpdb 7 and onward. For the use with past gpdb major versions, checkout branch historical and follow README.gpdb.md there.


There are several configurable options:

  • ENABLE_ZLIB: To use pg_filedump on zlib compressed data files, we need to enable the zlib support. It is automatically enabled if the zlib headers and libraries are detected with pkg-config, but you could force it to be enabled by make -f Makefile.gpdb ENABLE_ZLIB=y, make sure the zlib headers and libraries are available, you may also need to set CFLAGS and LDFLAGS accordingly. It is also possible to force building without zlib by setting this variable to n.

  • ENABLE_ZSTD: A similar setting for the zstd compression method.