Project name Spice Station

Short description of the project.

  • Firebase authentication web
  • User can login with google
  • User can login with email and password
  • User can create account with email and password
  • password validation with regex
  • User can see all the recipes
  • User can see details of a recipe
  • Registration page, display errors
  • Header, Homepage, Chef section and extra sections on the home page
  • user clicks on a chef's View Recipes button, he will be redirected to the chef's profile page
  • user can see all the recipes of a chef
  • user can see details of a recipe
  • user clicking the Favorite button, show a toast message showing the recipe is your favorite and disable the button
  • Show a spinner when the data is in a loading state
  • Create a 404 page. Add a picture on the 404 page.
  • Add a button to go back to the home page from the 404 page.

Live Link

Hosted in Firebase -> SpiceStation Server in Vercel -> SpiceStation

Complete Project

Client Side Private repo link -> Client-Side-Spice-Station-complete

Server Side Private repo link -> Server-Side-Spice-Station-complete

React Router Dom v6.4

  • Documentation Link -> Link

React Hot Toast

  • Documentation Link -> Link

Resources & Credits