
Use Camel CXF REST API to POST and GET data. Configuration provided to use Spring Data JPA and store and retrieve data from Postgres

Primary LanguageJava

jpa-postgres Project


This project uses Camel CXF REST API and Active MQ. It gets input as POST request and stores it into Postgres DB using JPA. This project is created to run as a web archive on JBoss EAP server.

It contains all the configurations required to use following components:

  • Camel CXF REST API
  • Apache MQ
  • configuration using Spring XML schema
  • CamelSpringTestSupport Unit testing framework
  • JPA
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Postgresql

See working code to HTTP GET and POST messages to REST APIs.

When a message is posted to REST API, it is also sent to an Active MQ topic.

To build this project:

$mvn clean install

To run this project: This project can be deployed as a war file in JBOSS EAP 6.x (I tested with JBOSS EAP 6.4) Just drop the war file into deployments directory

Endpoint to try out:

HTTP 1.1/POST http://localhost:8080/restapi/v1/customer/{id} Sample Payload: { "Customer":{ "name": "Cust-A", "address": "address a", "country": "US-A" } }

HTTP 1.1/GET http://localhost:8080/restapi/v1/customer/{id}

HTTP 1.1/POST http://localhost:8080/restapi/v1/message/{id}