MLflow examples - basic and advanced.
Python examples
- hello_world - Hello World - no training or scoring.
- sklearn - Scikit-learn model - train and score.
- Canonical example that shows multiple ways to train and score.
- Options to log ONNX model, autolog and save model signature.
- Train locally or against a Databricks cluster.
- Score real-time against a local web server or Docker container.
- Score batch with mlflow.load_model or Spark UDF>
- sparkml - Spark ML model - train and score. ONNX too.
- Keras/Tensorflow - train and score. ONNX working too.
- Keras with TensorFlow 2.x
- keras_tf_wine - Wine quality dataset
- keras_tf_mnist - MNIST dataset
- keras_tf1 - Keras with TensorFlow 1.x - legacy
- Keras with TensorFlow 2.x
- xgboost - XGBoost (sklearn wrapper) model - train and score.
- catboost - Catboost (using sklearn) model - train and score. ONNX working too.
- pytorch - Pytorch - train and score. ONNX too.
- onnx - Convert sklearn model to ONNX flavor - train and score.
- h2o - H2O model - train and score - with AutoML. ONNX too.
- model_registry - Jupyter notebook sampling the Model Registry API.
- e2e-ml-pipeline - End-to-end ML pipeline - training to real-time scoring.
- reproduce - Reproduce an existing run.
- scoring_server_benchmarks - Scoring server performance benchmarks.
The sklearn and Spark ML examples also demonstrate:
- Different ways to run a project with the mlflow CLI
- Real-time server scoring with docker containers
- Running a project against a Databricks cluster
Scala examples - uses the MLflow Java client
- hello_world - Hello World - no training or scoring.
- sparkml - Scala train and score - Spark ML and XGBoost4j
- mleap - Score an MLeap model with MLeap runtime (no Spark dependencies).
- onnx - Score an ONNX model (that was created in Scikit-learn) in Java.
- databricks_notebooks - Databricks notebooks
- Notebook CICD - Lighweight CICD example with Databricks notebook
- docker/docker-server - MLflow tracking server and MySQL database containers.
Use Python 3.7.5
- For Python environment use either:
- Miniconda with conda.yaml.
- Virtual environment with PyPi.
- Install Spark 2.4.2 on your machine.
- For ONNX examples also install:
- onnx==1.6.0
- onnxmltools==1.6.0
- skl2onnx==1.6.0
- onnxruntime==1.1.0
- Install miniconda3:
- Create the environment:
conda env create --file conda.yaml
- Source the environment:
source activate mlflow-examples
Create a virtual environment.
python -m venv mlflow-examples
source mlflow-examples/bin/activate
pip install
the libraries in conda.yaml.
You can either run the MLflow tracking server directly on your laptop or with Docker.
See docker/docker-server/README.
You can either use the local file store or a database-backed store. See MLflow Storage documentation.
Note that new MLflow 1.4.0 Model Registry functionality seems only to work with the database-backed store.
First activate the virtual environment.
cd $HOME/mlflow-server
source $HOME/virtualenvs/mlflow-examples/bin/activate
Start the MLflow tracking server.
mlflow server --host --port 5000 --backend-store-uri $PWD/mlruns --default-artifact-root $PWD/mlruns
- Install MySQL
- Create an mlflow user with password.
- Create a database
Start the MLflow Tracking Server
mlflow server --host --port 5000 \
--backend-store-uri mysql://MLFLOW_USER:MLFLOW_PASSWORD@localhost:3306/mlflow \
--default-artifact-root $PWD/mlruns
mlflow server --host --port 5000 \
--backend-store-uri sqlite:///mlflow.db \
--default-artifact-root $PWD/mlruns
Most of the examples use a DecisionTreeRegressor model with the wine quality data set.
As such, the python/sparkml
and scala/sparkml
are isomorphic as they are simply language variants of the same Spark ML algorithm.
Before running an experiment
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=http://localhost:5000
Data is in the data folder.
wine-quality-white.csv contains the training data.
Real-time scoring prediction data
- The prediction files contain the first three records of wine-quality-white.csv.
- The format is standard MLflow JSON-serialized Pandas DataFrames split orientation format described here.
- Data in predict-wine-quality.json is directly derived from wine-quality-white.csv.
- The values are a mix of integers and doubles.
- Apparently if you score predict-wine-quality.json against an MLeap SageMaker container, you will get errors as the server is unable to handle integers (bug).
- Hence predict-wine-quality-float.json whose data is all doubles.