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Sesame is scalable stream mining library on modern hardware written in C++

By now Sesame contains several representative real-world stream clustering algorithms and synthetic algorithms

Quick Start


pip3 install pysame

Python Example


from pysame import Benne, Birch, BenneObj

X = [[0, 1], [0.3, 1], [-0.3, 1], [0, -1], [0.3, -1], [-0.3, -1]]

# run birch algorithm
brc = Birch(

# run benne algorithm
bne = Benne(

Build Sesame


Checkout Source Code

git clone https://github.com/intellistream/Sesame --recursive --depth=1
cd Sesame


mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j$(nproc)

Run Tests

Download the datasets from Zenodo and put them in the datasets directory:

cd Sesame/datasets
pip3 install zenodo_get
zenodo_get 8210331

Run the tests:

cd Sesame/build/test

Real-world algorithms

Algorithm Window Model Outlier Detection Summarizing Data Structure Offline Refinement
BIRCH LandmarkWM OutlierD CFT
CluStream LandmarkWM OutlierD-T MCs
DenStream DampedWM OutlierD-BT MCs
DStream DampedWM OutlierD-T Grids
StreamKM++ LandmarkWM NoOutlierD CoreT
DBStream DampedWM OutlierD-T MCs
EDMStream DampedWM OutlierD-BT DPT
SL-KMeans SlidingWM NoOutlierD AMS

Synthetic algorithms

Algorithm Window Model Outlier Detection Summarizing Data Structure Offline Refinement
G1 LandmarkWM OutlierD MCs
G2 LandmarkWM OutlierD MCs
G3 LandmarkWM OutlierD CFT
G4 SlidingWM OutlierD MCs
G5 DampedWM OutlierD-B MCs
G6 LandmarkWM NoOutlierD MCs
G8 LandmarkWM OutlierD MCs
G9 LandmarkWM OutlierD Grids
G10 LandmarkWM OutlierD DPT
G11 LandmarkWM OutlierD-T MCs
G12 LandmarkWM OutlierD-B MCs
G13 LandmarkWM OutlierD-BT MCs
G14 LandmarkWM OutlierD AMS
G15 LandmarkWM OutlierD CoreT


DataSet Length Dimension Cluster Number
CoverType 581012 54 7
KDD-99 4898431 41 23
Insects 905145 33 24
Sensor 2219803 5 55
EDS 45690, 100270, 150645, 200060, 245270 2 75, 145, 218, 289, 363
ODS 94720,97360,100000 2 90, 90, 90

Datasets can download from zenodo: https://zenodo.org/records/8210331

How to Cite Sesame

  • [SIGMOD 2023] Xin Wang and Zhengru Wang and Zhenyu Wu and Shuhao Zhang and Xuanhua Shi and Li Lu. Data Stream Clustering: An In-depth Empirical Study, SIGMOD, 2023
	title        = {Data Stream Clustering: An In-depth Empirical Study},
	author       = {Xin Wang and Zhengru Wang and Zhenyu Wu and Shuhao Zhang and Xuanhua Shi and Li Lu},
	year         = 2023,
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD)},
	location     = {Seattle, WA, USA},
	publisher    = {Association for Computing Machinery},
	address      = {New York, NY, USA},
	series       = {SIGMOD '23},
	abbr         = {SIGMOD},
	bibtex_show  = {true},
	selected     = {true},
	pdf          = {papers/Sesame.pdf},
	code         = {https://github.com/intellistream/Sesame},
	doi	         = {10.1145/3589307},
    url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3589307}