The open-source component of Prime+Scope, published at CCS 2021

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is the open source component of our Prime+Scope paper (CCS '21).

It comprises the following artifacts:

  • primescope_demo: a quick and simple demonstration of Prime+Scope
  • evsets: eviction set construction (PS-style) for inclusive and non-inclusive Intel caches
  • primetime: a tool to find fast and effective PRIME access patterns
  • covert_inclusive: a cross-core covert channel that encodes information through variable-time accesses

Configuration, build and execution instructions are outlined in the relevant folders.

How to cite this work

  author    = {Purnal, Antoon and Turan, Furkan and Verbauwhede, Ingrid},
  title     = {Prime+Scope: Overcoming the Observer Effect for High-Precision Cache Contention Attacks},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)},
  year      = {2021},