Cross VM Side Channel Attack using L1 I-Cache

Checking out repository

$ git clone

Steps to compile the code

libsync compilation
  1. Navigate to 'sync' directory from repo root

$ cd sync

  1. Execute Makefile

$ make

  1. It will generate a dynamic library ''. Copy it to '/usr/local/lib.' Also copy the header file to the include directory

$ sudo cp /usr/local/lib
$ sudo cp sync.h /usr/include

modular exponentiation compilation
  1. Navigate to 'cross-vm' directory from repo root

$ cd cross-vm

  1. Execute Makefile

$ make

Running the code to collect data
  1. libsync library requires label file location. Environment variable LABEL_FILE should be set first.

$ export LABEL_FILE=<location of the file>

  1. Run the spy binary

$ ./spy

This will generate a label file as specified in step 1, also a binary file namee 'timings.bin' in the current directory.

The number of times the spy needs to be executed should be set in measurement.c. Change the value of const int n on line # 11 to the number of times the prime and probe process needs to be executed. Change the value of op->e on line # 68 to change the exponent value.

Northeastern University, 2016.

Note: The header files in cross-vm/include has been reused from a similar paper for ARM architecture(