
DrRacket themes derived from base16-builder

Primary LanguageRacket

Base16 for DrRacket

See the Base16 Repository for more information. This theme was built with Base16 builder.

Spacemacs Schemes for DrRacket on 2017-08-26 23:53:58

Being a long-time fan of Spacemacs, and very comfortable with the light and dark Spacemacs themes, I decided to adapt them for DrRacket. This was a manual effort unrelated to Base16 and is much more likely to work as delivered and receive updates as I see a need. You can find this repository here: https://github.com/tuirgin/drracket-spacemacs-schemes


DEPRECATION UPDATE on 2016-08-15 14:01:00

Base16-builder has been deprecated and I am presently disinclined to learn the changes needed to maintain this repository. Feel free to use this repo on an as-is basis, however I am not currently motivated to make any changes.

UPDATE on 2015-11-07 11:44:16

I have re-run base16-builder to regenerate the styles. There are a few new ones included now. I have not updated the screenshots, and I have made no attempt to confirm that these work in DrRacket. I've been away from the environment for a couple years and am not familiar with changes that may have occurred. If anything is broken, please do log an issue and let me know about it.


Each theme is contained in it's own package folder within base16-theme. Individual themes can be installed by running:

raco pkg install {PATH TO THEME FOLDER}

I.e. from the base16-theme folder:

raco pkg install ./base16-default

Alternatively, all themes can be installed by running:

raco pkg install {PATH TO}/base16-theme

The themes can also be installed directly from GitHub:

raco pkg install git://github.com/tuirgin/base16-drracket


Scheme Name Screenshot
3024 Dark 3024 Dark
3024 Light 3024 Light
Ashes Dark Ashes Dark
Ashes Light Ashes Light
Atelier Dune Dark Atelier Dune Dark
Atelier Dune Light Atelier Dune Light
Atelier Forest Dark Atelier Forest Dark
Atelier Forest Light Atelier Forest Light
Atelier Heath Dark Atelier Heath Dark
Atelier Heath Light Atelier Heath Light
Atelier Lakeside Dark Atelier Lakeside Dark
Atelier Lakeside Light Atelier Lakeside Light
Atelier Seaside Dark Atelier Seaside Dark
Atelier Seaside Light Atelier Seaside Light
Bespin Dark Bespin Dark
Bespin Light Bespin Light
Brewer Dark Brewer Dark
Brewer Light Brewer Light
Chalk Dark Chalk Dark
Chalk Light Chalk Light
Default Dark Default Dark
Default Light Default Light
Eighties Dark Eighties Dark
Eighties Light Eighties Light
Google Dark Google Dark
Google Light Google Light
Grayscale Dark Grayscale Dark
Grayscale Light Grayscale Light
Green Screen Dark Green Screen Dark
Green Screen Light Green Screen Light
Isotope Dark Isotope Dark
Isotope Light Isotope Light
London Tube Dark London Tube Dark
London Tube Light London Tube Light
Marrakesh Dark Marrakesh Dark
Marrakesh Light Marrakesh Light
Mocha Dark Mocha Dark
Mocha Light Mocha Light
Monokai Dark Monokai Dark
Monokai Light Monokai Light
Ocean Dark Ocean Dark
Ocean Light Ocean Light
Paraiso Dark Paraiso Dark
Paraiso Light Paraiso Light
Railscasts Dark Railscasts Dark
Railscasts Light Railscasts Light
Shapeshifter Dark Shapeshifter Dark
Shapeshifter Light Shapeshifter Light
Solarized Dark Solarized Dark
Solarized Light Solarized Light
Tomorrow Dark Tomorrow Dark
Tomorrow Light Tomorrow Light
Twilight Dark Twilight Dark
Twilight Light Twilight Light