- 1
Displaying the number of teams in the team instance
#1420 opened by HhhhhhhuiEr - 0
- 2
Mini map scale bug
#1421 opened by Vadhaka - 1
Chat Box Artifact
#1422 opened by Skiiwee29 - 2
Weapon buff timer not updating
#1419 opened by LoBosco1 - 4
No tooltips in the spellbook on hover
#1412 opened by JAndritsch - 3
[Request] Character Enchant Abbreviation Improvement
#1416 opened by FlareStarrr - 2
cannot switch chat tab in combat - ElvUI tried to call the protected function 'ChatFrame1:Hide()'.
#1367 opened by lemieszek - 0
Chat Channels
#1418 opened by Raoben - 0
- 1
[Cataclysm Classic] Elvui ver. 13.80 - Abilities in spellbook dont show their tootlip
#1415 opened by ventarius5 - 0
Action bar swapping bugged
#1414 opened by Teipp1 - 8
Accessibility issue: Map scaling
#1410 opened by HarryWraith - 1
- 5
The queue status is not appearing correctly.
#1404 opened by CrisReus - 2
- 0
Equipment Set Data Text - Tooltip Error and Lua Bug
#1407 opened by naeshy - 4
Missing Button for Dawnbreaker on Last Boss
#1401 opened by VincentYankowsky - 1
Title here
#1405 opened by ShuchunSun - 1
- 1
Patch 11.0.5 - TutorialFrames error
#1400 opened by zmoose - 5
Chat Edit Box not always loading
#1396 opened by coding-red-panda - 2
- 2
/whisper putting the message in say chat.
#1385 opened by iAmCallumJ - 3
Object Frame doesn't "un-hide" after raid/dungeon boss fights are over
#1399 opened by theothershiloh - 0
InterfaceElvUI/Classic/Modules/Skins/Friends.lua:142: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
#1387 opened by Gogo1951 - 1
Reputation LUA Error
#1394 opened by larsschweier - 2
ElvUI_Libraries' tried to call the protected function 'SecureStateDriverManager:SetAttribute()'
#1388 opened by zagr1 - 3
- 2
- 2
'ElvUI_Libraries' tried to call the protected function 'CheckInteractDistance()' in Classic Era
#1386 opened by Gogo1951 - 0
Minimap not showing "Mislaid Curiosity" in Delves
#1389 opened by PapsOsan - 6
DataBar Reputation
#1384 opened by Dadelius - 3
No Action Bars / Version Mismatch?
#1383 opened by Kavrrin - 3
Missing action bars
#1382 opened by rchupp - 3
ElvUI action bars have disappeared
#1378 opened by bigtim1990 - 4
Title here
#1379 opened by kaynov - 2
Lua error when using Blizzard's Edit Mode
#1381 opened by Xzsyn - 1
Can't see party mana bars until in-range in Classic Era
#1380 opened by Gogo1951 - 1
Map Issues
#1376 opened by cheyndn - 1
Lua Error with Classic Era
#1377 opened by Gogo1951 - 1
[ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'ElvUI' tried to call the protected function 'CompactPartyFrame:Hide()
#1375 opened by Adocokolado - 3
Action Bars aren't appearing at all
#1374 opened by eliwald - 2
- 3
No Groups Found - Dungeon Finder on Elvui
#1370 opened by NNA1U3 - 3
- 1
Title here
#1372 opened by Aramlss - 2
Raid Frames Faded in SOD
#1369 opened by HGonda - 3
Reversed heal prediction for heal doesn't work
#1368 opened by Pouffay - 1
Bags won't open after trying to sort
#1365 opened by nickynonon