OpenAI with Java

The project demonstrate the integration with Azure OpenAI text-davinci-003 model, Azure Storage Queue using JAVA. The purpose of this repository is to provide a reference point with the Azure OpenAI "text-davinci-003" model serving as an example POC to build a java WebJob or for an independent local run test.

Demo App Architecture



  • Azure Open AI service created and text-davinci-003 model deployed
  • Have a Azure Storage source and destination queues created
  • Acquire the below config information and have the needed environment variables setup

How to Run


  • Clone the repo locally
  • Navigate to the cloned directory
  • run "mvn compile" then "mvn package"
  • Running "mvn package" would generate the jar file "openapi-javaapp-1.0.0.jar" under \target directory

Running jar locally

  • Have these environment variable configured that contains the configuration for the azure open AI, azure storage queue
  • Run the jar using "java -jar target\openapi-javaapp-1.0.0.jar", if there's no error and run completes and exits, then the jar content is all good to be deployed as webjob in azure.
  • To see the content of the jar file run "jar -tf target\openapi-javaapp-1.0.0.jar" or extract the jar content locally

Running As WebJob in Azure

Currently EastUSEUAP2 has the code deployed that enables running webjobs on Linux.

  • Create a Java Linux container webapp, please make sure the container, custom or blessed image based have Java 17 + in it, JAVA_HOME environment variables configured, and WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE environment variable set to true for the web app
  • Have the above mentioned environment varialbes configured as app settings
  • Please zip these files "", "settings.job" and "openapi-javaapp-1.0.0.jar". And deploy the zip file as continuous webjob, either by zip deployment or by calling webjob PUT API, details here