
Shoop Gifter Demo

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Shoop Gifter Demo

This is the Gifter Demo project for Shoop.

It demonstrates the basic structure, templating and styling for a basic B2B e-commerce site built on the Shoop platform.


Copyright (C) 2015 by Shoop Ltd. contact@shoop.io

Shoop is International Registered Trademark & Property of Shoop Ltd., Business ID: FI24815722, Business Address: Aurakatu 12 B, 20100 Turku, Finland.


Shoop Gifter Demo is published under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (AGPLv3). See the LICENSE file in the source code tree.

Some external libraries and contributions bundled with Shoop Gifter Demo may be published under other AGPLv3-compatible licenses. For these, please refer to VENDOR-LICENSES.md file in the source code tree or the licenses included within each package.

Getting started

The Shoop source code should be in the "shoop" directory next to this README file. If you have fetched this project from Git, you can use the git submodule update --init command to let Git fetch Shoop for you into this directory.

For Bash-based shells, this should do:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py b2b_import_demo
(cd gifter && npm run build)
(cd shoop && npm run build)