
Keep track of all current ethereum scams in a large database

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ethereum Scam Database

An open-source database to keep track of all the current ethereum scams


If you haven't already, click here to download Node.JS

  • Download the latest release from here.
  • Go ahead and open a command line in the release folder
  • Install all necessary packages by running npm install
  • Build and serve the project using node generate.js

Generating should take around 2 minutes the first time or after a clean, but when _site is already present it should only take around 2-5 seconds.


  • --clean Clean up all the old files and folders
  • --build Build the project without actually serving the content
  • --serve Serve the content in the main folder without building anything
  • --update Update all ip addresses, nameservers and update status [May take some time]
  • --archive Send all active domains to archive.org for caching [Takes a very long time because we don't want to flood their servers]


Fork this project and edit _data/data.yaml. Every item can have the following properties:

  • id: A unique incremental integer
  • name: The title of the scam, should probably not be longer than 64 characters
  • status: The status of a scam. If status isn't provided and url is, status will be autogenerated with the --update flag (Optional)
  • description: A full description for the scam (Optional)
  • url: The protocol + hostname for a scam website, without a trailing / (Optional)
  • category: The category under which the item falls (Optional)
  • addresses: An array of all ethereum addresses that were involved in this scam, with leading '0x' (Optional)


To make use of our database, the following files can be used:


If you would like to help without contributing on GitHub yourself you can send some ETH or any other ERC20 token to etherscamdb.eth 👏