DevReactJS Sample Project 01 API

This API was written in NodeJS (ExpressJS + JWT + SQLite3). The idea is to provide an API to handle data in a Runner app (like NikeRun). So basically, we need to handle two entities/endpoints: users and runs.

Remember: this project is being built to handle international users (with different timezones and measure units). Keep this in mind!


All the authentication happens using JWT. For protected endpoints you need to send the token using the Header Authorization, like this:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwibmFtZSI6IlR1bGlvIEZhcmlhIiwiZW1haWwiOiJ0dWxpb2ZhcmlhQGRldnBsZW5vLmNvbSIsInJvbGUiOiJhZG1pbiIsInVuaXQiOiJtZXRyaWMiLCJ0aW1lem9uZSI6IkFtZXJpY2EvU2FvX1BhdWxvIiwiaWF0IjoxNTIwNDY5MzUwfQ.kr678zxP5TdRAZrww4bcuKCpE7JX0m_mObjwVXKwP8U




Gets a new Token/JWT for the required user.

POST /users/login (public): generates a new token for the required user.

Body example:

	"email": "",
	"passwd": "123456"

Create a new user:

This endpoint can be used to sign-up and for admin. If a new user is trying to create his own account token is not needed.

POST /users (authentication optional): creates a new user.

Body example:

	"name": "Tulio Faria",
	"email": "",
	"passwd": "abc123",
	"role": "admin",
	"unit": "metric",
	"timezone": "America/Sao_Paulo"

Remove a user:

DELETE /users/:userId (authentication required): removes a user.

Get users:

GET /users (authentication required): gets all users.

Get your own information:

GET /users/me (authentication required): gets information from the logged user/token.

Get user by id:

GET /users/:userId (authentication required): gets information from specific user. Admin can get information from any user.

Update user by id:

PATCH /users/:userId (authentication required): update data for a specific user. Admin can update information from any user.


Create a new run:

POST /runs (authentication required): creates a new run to logged user.

Body example:

	"friendly_name": "Weekend Run",
	"duration": 370,
	"distance": 110,
	"created": "2018-03-08 15:00:03"

Remove a run:

DELETE /runs/:runId (authentication required): removes a run.

Get runs:

GET /runs (authentication required): gets all runs.

Get run by id:

GET /runs/:runId (authentication required): gets information from specific run. Admin can get information from any user run.

Update run by id:

PATCH /runs/:userId (authentication required): update data for a specific run. Admin can update information from any run.