
.NET publicsuffix domain parser

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


The TLD proliferation makes it difficult to check whether domain names are valid. This project uses the rules of publicsuffix.org, a list of known public domain suffixes (TLD) to validate and split domains into three the parts (TLD, domain, subdomain). The validation rules are loaded directly from https://publicsuffix.org.

A domain name has 3 major parts:

Example TLD Domain Subdomain
blog.google.com com google blog
www.wikipedia.org org wikipedia www
mail.yandex.ru ru yandex mail
www.amazon.co.uk co.uk amazon www


The package is available on nuget

PM> install-package Nager.PublicSuffix


  • High performance
  • FileTldRuleProvider or WebTldRuleProvider
  • CacheProvider
  • Async support


Analyze domain

Without a custom config the WebTldRuleProvider has a default cache live time of 1 day, then you must refresh the cache with execute BuildAsync;

var domainParser = new DomainParser(new WebTldRuleProvider());

var domainInfo = domainParser.Parse("sub.test.co.uk");
//domainInfo.Domain = "test";
//domainInfo.Hostname = "sub.test.co.uk";
//domainInfo.RegistrableDomain = "test.co.uk";
//domainInfo.SubDomain = "sub";
//domainInfo.TLD = "co.uk";

Check is a valid domain

Without a custom config the WebTldRuleProvider has a default cache live time of 1 day, then you must refresh the cache with execute BuildAsync;

var domainParser = new DomainParser(new WebTldRuleProvider());

var isValid = domainParser.IsValidDomain("sub.test.co.uk");

Change the default cache time

//cache data for 10 hours
var cacheProvider = new FileCacheProvider(cacheTimeToLive: new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0));
var webTldRuleProvider = new WebTldRuleProvider(cacheProvider: cacheProvider);

var domainParser = new DomainParser(webTldRuleProvider);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    var isValid = webTldRuleProvider.CacheProvider.IsCacheValid();
    if (!isValid)
        webTldRuleProvider.BuildAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); //Reload data
    var domainInfo = domainParser.Parse($"sub{i}.test.co.uk");

Use a local publicsuffix data file

var domainParser = new DomainParser(new FileTldRuleProvider("effective_tld_names.dat"));

var domainInfo = domainParser.Parse("sub.test.co.uk");
//domainInfo.Domain = "test";
//domainInfo.Hostname = "sub.test.co.uk";
//domainInfo.RegistrableDomain = "test.co.uk";
//domainInfo.SubDomain = "sub";
//domainInfo.TLD = "co.uk";