
It is a gateway for Mappersmith that wraps a transport gateway with a cache store to achieve transparent cache functionalities

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Mappersmith CachedGateway

CachedGateway is a gateway for Mappersmith that wraps a transport gateway with a cache store to achieve transparent cache functionalities. It provides cache stores for browser and server.



npm install mappersmith-cached-gateway


Download the tag/latest version from the build folder.

Build from the source

Install the dependencies

npm install


npm run build
npm run release # for minified version

Requiring in Node.js

For use in the server side.

var MappersmithCachedGateway = require('mappersmith-cached-gateway/node');

If you don't need any server features (like redis cache store) just require the module:

var MappersmithCachedGateway = require('mappersmith-cached-gateway');


Create and configure a CachedGateway is as simple as:

var manifest = {} // imagine that we have a manifest for Mappersmith
var MyCachedGateway = MappersmithCachedGateway.createCachedGateway()
var Client = new Mappersmith.forge(manifest, MyCachedGateway)

Without parameters MyCachedGateway will be created with Mappersmith.VanillaGateway and LocalStorageCacheStore.

With a different Gateway

Use the first parameter of createCachedGateway to configure your transport gateway, for example, if we want to use Mappersmith.JQueryGateway.

var manifest = {}
var JQueryGateway = Mappersmith.JQueryGateway;
var CGateway = MappersmithCachedGateway;

var MyCachedGateway =  CGateway.createCachedGateway(JQueryGateway)
var Client = new Mappersmith.forge(manifest, MyCachedGateway)

With a different CacheStore

Use the second parameter to configure your cache store. Check the list of available cache stores at the bottom of the readme.

var manifest = {}
var JQueryGateway = Mappersmith.JQueryGateway;
var CGateway = MappersmithCachedGateway;

var SSCacheStore = CGateway.SessionStorageCacheStore;
var MyCachedGateway = CGateway.createCachedGateway(JQueryGateway, SSCacheStore)
var Client = Mappersmith.forge(manifest, MyCachedGateway)

Options for CacheStore

There are two options which can be configured for a cache store: namespace and ttl (Some cache stores may have specific options, check the list of available cache stores for a comprehensive list of options). The time to live (ttl) value can be defined globally and for each request using gateway options. It is possible to change the default ttl (the global value) through createCachedGateway, just pass an object with the key ttl and the value in seconds.

var CGateway = MappersmithCachedGateway;
var JQueryGateway = Mappersmith.JQueryGateway;
var SSCacheStore = CGateway.SessionStorageCacheStore;

// With default transport gateway and cache store
CGateway.createCachedGateway({ttl: 10 * 60})

// With a custom transport gateway but with the default cache store
CGateway.createCachedGateway(JQueryGateway, {ttl: 10 * 60})

// With everything custom
CGateway.createCachedGateway(JQueryGateway, SSCacheStore, {ttl: 10 * 60})

The namespace goes to the same object:

var CGateway = MappersmithCachedGateway;
CGateway.createCachedGateway({ttl: 10 * 60, namespace: 'cache'})

How to setup a different TTL for each service?

Just use Mappersmith URL matching and include the option cache into the gateway option, example:

var manifest = {
  host: 'http://my.api.com',
  rules: [
    { // This will only be applied when the URL matches the regexp
      match: /\/v1\/books/,
      values: {gateway: {cache: {ttl: 15 * 60}}}
      match: /\/v1\/photos/,
      values: {gateway: {cache: {ttl: 2 * 60}}}
  resources: {
    Book: {
      all:  {path: '/v1/books.json'},
      byId: {path: '/v1/books/{id}.json'}
    Photo: {
      byCategory: {path: '/v1/photos/{category}/all.json'}

How to disable cache for some calls?

There are two ways to do it:

  1. URL matching
var manifest = {
  host: 'http://my.api.com',
  rules: [
    { // This will only be applied when the URL matches the regexp
      match: /\/v1\/books/,
      values: {gateway: {cache: {disableCache: true}}}
  resources: {
    Book: {
      all:  {path: '/v1/books.json'},
      byId: {path: '/v1/books/{id}.json'}
    Photo: {
      byCategory: {path: '/v1/photos/{category}/all.json'}
  1. Method call
Client.Book.byId({id: 3}, {cache: {disableCache: true}})
Client.Book.all({}, {cache: {disableCache: true}})

// or

  {id: 3},
  function(data, stats) {/* success callback */},
  {cache: {disableCache: true}}

Stats object

In the success callback Mappersmith will give to you a stats object as your second argument. With a cached gateway you will have the key cacheHit with the value true if it was read from a cache store. Example:

Client.Book.byId({id: 3}, function(data, stats) {
  // success callback
  console.log('cache ' + (stats.cacheHit ? 'HIT' : 'MISS'))


CacheStore allows you to customize the cache layer. You can use the bundled implementations or write your own version.

Bundled implementations


Browser only. Require with MappersmithCachedGateway.LocalStorageCacheStore.


Browser only. Require with MappersmithCachedGateway.SessionStorageCacheStore.


Server only. Require with MappersmithCachedGateway.node.NodeRedisCacheStore.

Extra options:

  • client (e.g: client: [6379, '', options]) - take a look at redis package for a complete list of options
  • logger (default: console) - use logger: false to disable the logger
  • password - it will issue an AUTH command if defined
  • onError - callback to handle redis errors, the first argument is the error message


var cacheStore = new NodeRedisCacheStore({
  redis: {
    client: [6379, '', {max_attempts: 10}],
    password: 'foobar',
    logger: false,
    onError: function(err) {

Take a look at node-redis-cache-store.js to further details.

How to write one?

  init: function() {
    // constructor, you have:
    //  - this.options
    //  - this.namespace
    //  - this.ttl
    //  - this.disableCache

  read: function(name, callback) {

  write: function(name, data, opts, doneCallback) {

  delete: function(name, doneCallback) {

  cleanup: function(doneCallback) {

  clear: function(doneCallback) {


Take a look at cache-store.js to further docs.



npm run test-browser or SINGLE_RUN=true npm run test-browser


npm run test-node

To run both tests

npm test

Compile and release

  • Compile: npm run build
  • Release (minified version): npm run release


See LICENSE for more details.