
Circom circuits used by the iden3 core protocol.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

circuits Tests

Circuits used by the iden3 core protocol.

The circuits of this repository are compatible with the go-iden3-core implementation

Building and trusted setup

First install the npm dependencies:

npm ci

Then build the circuit and do the "trusted" setup:

./compile-circuit.sh CIRCUIT_PATH PTAU_FILE_PATH


./compile-circuit.sh circuits/auth.circom build/powersOfTau28_hez_final_16.ptau
./compile-circuit.sh circuits/stateTransition.circom build/powersOfTau28_hez_final_16.ptau

Work with s3_util.js script

Note: Run npm i and ensure that environment ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY variables are defined. Script works with ./build folder which is located in project.

export ACCESS_KEY_ID=...

s3_util.js was written for:

  • Uploading circuits which are located in./build folder to S3 bucket in zip file. Next example uploads to S3 bucket (default bucket is iden3-circuits-bucket) with name v1.zip.
node s3_util.js add v1
  • Compressing circuits from ./build folder to zip and save it to root project folder with name v1.zip. Example:
node s3_util.js zip v1
  • Removing zip file from S3 bucket (default bucket iden3-circuits-bucket) Example:
node s3_util.js rm v1

Push docker container to github packages

  1. Create PAT;
  2. Login to github registry:
    echo <PAT> | docker login ghcr.io -u <GITHUB_NAME> --password-stdin
  3. Build docker image with tag:
    docker build -t ghcr.io/iden3/circom:<version> .
  4. Push docker image:
    docker push ghcr.io/iden3/circom:<version>
  5. Update .github/workflows/main.yaml to the new image:
          image: ghcr.io/iden3/circom:<version>