
!! Repo is just for experimentation + learning !! Train a ML model that detects individual playing cards in video. Completely based off the following guide and modified to work on Amazons Ubuntu DeepLearning AMI:

Primary LanguageShell

Training a Tensorflow model on AWS Ubuntu DeepLearning AMI

!! Repo is just for experimentaiton + learning. I have 0 training in machine learning !!

Train a ML model that detects individual playing cards in video.

Completely based off the follwoing guide and modified to work on Amazons Ubuntu DeepLearning AMI: https://github.com/EdjeElectronics/TensorFlow-Object-Detection-API-Tutorial-Train-Multiple-Objects-Windows-10

Training should all work just by copy and pasting the contents of train.sh into a SSH session.

To run the model you will need a computer with (No tutorial here):

  • Camera
  • Display
  • Tensorflow installed
  • python scripts from TensorFlow-Object-Detection-API-Tutorial-Train-Multiple-Objects-Windows-10 repository

Create instance for training

  • p2.xlarge = ~$1.50 p/h Sydney
  • p2.xlarge = 1 GPU

aws ec2 run-instances --region ap-southeast-2 --image-id ami-058bdf7c57f0d22a0 --subnet SUBNET_ID --instance-type p2.xlarge --key-name KEYNAME --profile PROFILE


ssh -i ~/.ssh/KEYNAME.pem ubuntu@

Start Training

Copy contents of train.sh into SSH session.

Monitor Training