
Failure handling with Manifold

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


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Handle failures and manage retries without callbacks!

The semantics are modeled closely to Failsafe, which has a Clojure wrapper called Diehard.

Manifail differs in that it tries to be composable and not rely on callbacks for the failure handling logic. The drawback is that it's less precise and carries more overhead than Failsafe. Also, circuit breakers are currently not supported.


Use Manifail if you're feeling adventurous and/or like to write your code in a direct callback-less style! Otherwise please consider using Failsafe directly or through Diehard.


[tulos/manifail "0.4.0"]

First, require the namespaces:

(refer-clojure :exclude '(delay))
(require '[manifold.deferred :as d])
(require '[manifold.executor :as ex])
(use 'manifail)

Retry building blocks

To create a retriable execution with Manifail you have to use four parts working in concert:

  1. A retry policy - sequence of milliseconds representing the delay of retries
  2. A piece of code potentially having the retry/abort/reset markers
  3. An executor to run the code and retry attempts on
  4. with-retry macro or with-retry* function wrapping the code to be retried

It looks like this:

(def unreliable-service-executor (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 1))

(ex/with-executor unreliable-service-executor
  (let [retry-delays [10 50 100]]
    (with-retries retry-delays
      (try (let [result (unreliable-service)]
             (when (:error result)
               (retry! result)))
           (catch UnrecoverableException e
             (abort! e))
           (catch SessionExpiredException e
             (reset! retry-delays)))

The with-retries block above will return a deferred of its result. This deferred will get fulfilled when either the original call or one of the three retries completes. The execution will happen on the specified unreliable-service-executor.

Given the above code, a retry will happen if:

  • An exception is thrown which is not an UnrecoverableException
  • The result has an :error key

and the resulting deferred will be completed when:

  • A non :error response is returned
  • An UnrecoverableException happens and the execution is aborted. In this case a manifail.Aborted exception is thrown with the cause set to e
  • A manifail.RetriesExceeded exception is thrown when there are no more retry attempts.

In case a SessionExpiredException is thrown the whole execution cycle will begin anew with the supplied sequence of retry-delays. In the example above it's the same sequence as the one provided to with-retries originally.

Retry policies

The simplest possible retry logic that will perform 3 retries with delays of 50, 100 and 150 ms:

(with-retries [50 100 150]

The following code will retry the call 5 times with 50 ms delay:

(with-retries (delay (retries 5) 50)

same, but with a backoff factor of 2.0:

(with-retries (delay (retries 5) 50 {:backoff-factor 2.0})

with a random jitter of 25 ms:

(with-retries (delay (retries 5) 50 {:backoff-factor 2.0, :jitter-ms 25})

with a random jitter scaling the delay up to 1/2:

(with-retries (delay (retries 5) 50 {:backoff-factor 2.0, :jitter-factor 0.5})

with a total call and retry duration limited to 500 ms:

(with-retries (-> (retries 5)
                  (delay 50 {:backoff-factor 2.0, :jitter-factor 0.5})
                  (limit-duration 500))

unlimited equally spaced out retries with duration limited to 500 ms:

(with-retries (-> (forever) (delay 50) (limit-duration 500))

Retry context

There are several dynamic bindings available in the retry block:

  • *retry-count* - the current retry count
  • *elapsed-ms* - milliseconds elapsed since entering the retry block
  • *last-result* - last result/exception that caused the retry

A complete example

Below I tried to map callbacks available in Failsafe retry policy to the code that you could write in order to get equivalent behaviour. We assume that call-some-service blocks until completed:

  (with-retries (delay (retries 5) 50) ;; retry on any exception by default
    (println "-- on before execution")
    (when (> *retry-count* 0)
      (println "-- on before retry"))
    (try (let [result (call-some-service)]
           (when (> result 5) ;; abort condition
             (println "-- on failed attempt 1")
             (println "-- on before abort")
             (abort! result)) ;; set the value of Abort to `result`
           (when (= result ::bad) ;; retry condition
             (println "-- on failed attempt 2")
         (catch OkException _ :ok) ;; do not retry on this exception
         (catch UnrecoverableException e
           (abort! e)) ;; set the cause of Abort to `e`
         (catch RecoverableException _
           (reset! (delay (retries 5) 50)))
         (catch Throwable e
           (when-not (marker? e)
             (println "-- on failed attempt any"))
           (throw e))))
  (d/chain #(println "-- on complete" %))
  (d/catch manifail.Aborted #(println "-- on after abort" (unwrap %))
  (d/catch manifail.RetriesExceeded #(println "-- on retries exceeded" (unwrap %))
  (d/catch #(println "-- on failure" %)))

call-some-service might also be asynchronous and return something derefable. In this case the code within with-retries can chain the logic:

(with-retries (delay (retries 5) 50)
  (-> (call-some-service)
      (d/chain (fn [result] ...))))


Copyright © 2016 Tulos Capital

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.