
Tool for syncing a Heroku Bucketeer bucket to a non-Bucketeer bucket

Primary LanguageShell

Heroku Bucketeer S3 Sync

Tool for syncing a Heroku Bucketeer bucket to a non-Bucketeer bucket.


  • Bucketeer bucket name should be set in ./.env
    # Bucket name for s3fs mounted at /mnt
  • Bucketeer credentials should be set in ./volumes/s3fs-authfile
  • Access key ID and secret goes in ./volumes/aws-credentials as an AWS cli credentials file
    aws_access_key_id = <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>
    aws_secret_access_key = <AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
  • Get a shell:
    $ docker compose run -i --rm s3fs bash
    ==> Mounting S3 Filesystem
    Running command bash
  • List the Bucketeer bucket:
    $ docker compose run -i --rm s3fs ls /mnt/
    ==> Mounting S3 Filesystem
    Running command ls /mnt/
    file1.txt  file2.txt  folder1  folder2
  • List the non-Bucketeer bucket:
    $ docker compose run -i --rm s3fs aws s3 ls s3://example-bucket/
    ==> Mounting S3 Filesystem
    Running command aws s3 ls s3://example-bucket/
                               PRE folder1/
                               PRE folder2/
    2023-08-22 05:22:13          2 file1.txt
    2023-08-22 05:22:13          2 file2.txt
  • Do the sync:
    $ docker compose run -i --rm s3fs aws s3 sync /mnt/ s3://example-bucket/
    ==> Mounting S3 Filesystem
    Running command aws s3 sync /mnt/ s3://example-bucket/
  • Do the sync with run.sh:
    $ ./run.sh example-bucket
    Thu Aug 24 11:02:18 CDT 2023
    ==> Mounting S3 Filesystem
    Running command aws s3 sync /mnt/ s3://example-bucket/ --no-progress
    upload: …
    Thu Aug 24 11:02:23 CDT 2023
    Total time elapsed: 00:00:05 (HH:MM:SS)
    $ ls logs/
