
Stateful shepherding of many gunicorns


Stateful shepherding of many gunicorns. Start python web apps faster, rightier, and more flexiblier. Escape cargo-cult practices, learning curves, and bad memory. Documentation through automation. Do it fast. Do it right. Do it a lot.


  • Bootstrap SSH, salt, and package manager on a new host
  • Modular (conf.d style) daemon setups so that running new applications on host is trivial
  • Applications (Python for now) live in virtualenvs, use pip, and communicate with Daemons in uniform manner
  • Many "Guns" which are sensible templates for new projects. "Racking" a gun results in a useable host and a tarball with everything needed to admin/develop
  • Basic monitoring and notifications to know when things are bad
  • Basic security tools like AIDE and grsec to provide fail-well security. More on this later.

First Steps

  • There is no salt. There is no main directory structure. All work so far is fabic and should be submitted to salt.
  • Need a blog for documenting design decisions.
  • Sphinx docs.