
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to the ottozen code repository.

This document is written in Markdown (or more specifically, MultiMarkdown). The original is README.md, and the generated is README.html - make changes to the original, and John or Luke can regenerate the HTML version.


  1. Contact Luke Crouch to get your credentials added to the bitbucket repository
  2. git clone https://groovecoder@bitbucket.org/groovecoder/ottozen.git
  3. Install:
  • Python - Tested with Python 2.6.7
  • setuptools - for easy_install
  • virtualenv - use sudo easy_install virtualenv or system package
  • virtualenvwrapper - use sudo easy_install virtualenvwrapper or system package
  • Ruby - Tested with Ruby 1.8.7
  • RubyGems - Tested with RubyGems 1.3.6
  1. Follow the virtualenvwrapper docs to update your environment, and make a new virtual environment with mkvirtualenv ottozen. You should automatically enter the environment, change into the ottozen directory.

  2. Leave the virtualenv by running deactivate

  3. Following the instructions on this site, edit the postactivate script in your virtualenv folder to add:

     export GEM_HOME="$VIRTUAL_ENV/gems"
     export GEM_PATH=""
     export PATH=$PATH:$GEM_HOME/
  4. Run workon ottozen to enter the virtual environment, then run:

     pip install -r requirements.txt
     gem install bundler
     bundle install
     foreman start
  5. You can then load http://localhost:8000 in your browser to see the project.