
A Python module for selected point cloud queries

Primary LanguageC++

Point Cloud Queries

A Python module for selected point cloud queries

This code is for educational purposes


Future Plans

When we have fixed the usability and add some documentation, we will build binary distributions for Linux, Windows and Python >= 3.7 and push it to pypi, such that you just need to execute

pip install pointcloudqueries # This does not yet work

in oreder to install the python package. For now we need to build it ourselves.

On Linux


On Windows

  • Install Visual Studio
  • Download Boost (boost.org) 1.82 to c:\boost, and unpack it and make sure that `C:\boost\boost_1_82_0\boost_1_82_0\boost\geometry" is the directory containing the Boost Geometry Library
  • If you end up with Boost somewhere else, update include_dirs in setup.py
  • Install Python (preferably from python.org, for example, https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.11.3/python-3.11.3-amd64.exe and let it upgrade the py launcher.
  • Try that in a command line py runs python3
  • py -m pip install numpy # numpy is a dependency for our package
  • py setup.py develop
  • py test.py

Docker Build

We go for manylinux with

$ docker run -it --rm  -v $PWD:/io quay.io/pypa/manylinux2014_x
# cd io/
# /opt/python/cp37-cp37m/bin/python setup.py bdist_wheel
# auditwheel repair pointcloudqueries-0.0.1-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl

The wheelhouse contains a manylinux-wheel docker run -it --rm mwernerds/pointcloudqueries python3 benchmark/benchmark.py


Teuscher, B., Geißendörfer, O., Luo, X., Li, H., Anders, K., Holst, C., & Werner, M. (2023). Efficient In-Memory Point Cloud Query Processing. 18th International 3DGeoInfo Conference 2023. https://www.bgd.ed.tum.de/pdf/2023_pointcloudqueries_Teuscher.pdf


This work has been funded by the German Research Foundation (NFDI4Earth, DFG project no. 460036893, https://www.nfdi4earth.de/).


Balthasar Teuscher: balthasar.teuscher@tum.de

Technische Universität München, Professur für Big Geospatial Data Management, Lise-Meitner-Str. 9, 85521 Ottobrunn


License is CC-BY-SA unless or except those parts that have a different license. Such licenses come from

  • Boost and its documentation
  • Eigen and its documentation (though Eigen is currently commented out)
  • HDF5 and its documentation

It is a NFDI4Earth Educational Resource, more information on https://www.bgd.ed.tum.de/en/projects/nfdi4earth/