
Basic examples for bringing SensorThingsAPI Locations and HistoricalLocations to web maps as markers or trajectories.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

SensorThingsAPI Locations on a map

This repo contains some basic examples on how to query Locations and HistoricalLocations from an OGC SensorThingsAPI conform service, as for instance FROST-Server instance and place them on a web map using Open Source mapping APIs like Leaflet.js.

Location markers

Plot the last Locations of all Things on a map and add a popup to the markers with basic informations on the Thing. To cluster markers at the same location Leaflet MarkerCluster is used.

Adapt line 16 of js/locationMarkers/locationMarkers.js to change the FROST instance.

// Configure FROST instance
var frostBaseURL = 'https://my.frost.server.de/FROST-Server/v1.1';

Open locationMarkers.html in a browser to view the results.

Locations markers with clustering for markers at same locations.

Trajectory with directional arrows from HistoricalLocations

Query the last n HistroicalLocations from a given Thing in a time period (optional) and plot a trajectory with ArrowHeads from it.

Adapt lines 15-18 of js/trajectory/trajectory.js:

// FROST server, Thing, number of HistoricalLocations, time filter (optional)
var frostBaseURL = 'https://my.frost.server.de/FROST-Server/v1.1';
var thingIotID = 16;
var nHistoricalLocations = 10;
var timeIntervalFilter = '$filter=time%20gt%202020-10-20T00:00:00.000Z%20and%20time%20lt%202020-10-22T23:59:59.999Z';

Open trajectory.html in a browser to view the result.

Example trajectory from FROST HistroicalLocations