Please cite our accompanying paper when making use of the toolchain:
Zieglmeier, Valentin: "The Inverse Transparency Toolchain: A Fully Integrated and Quickly Deployable Data Usage Logging Infrastructure." Software Impacts 17 (Sept. 2023), Article 100554. DOI: 10.1016/j.simpa.2023.100554. [BibTeX]
The Inverse Transparency Toolchain—consisting of Overseer, Clotilde, and Revolori—is a flexible solution for research, teaching, and prototyping in the context of inverse transparency.
To build and run the toolchain, use Docker Compose: documentation and instructions
- Overseer – Log Store: Logs and stores data usages.
- Clotilde – Transparency UI: Makes logged usages of data visible to data owners.
- Revolori – SSO Provider: User management and authentication.
- Clotilde
- @vauhochzett
- @JCHHeilmann
- Patipon Riebpradit
- Overseer
- Revolori
- @vauhochzett
- Stefan Knilling
- Stefan Madzharov
- @hohmannr
- Automated Docker deployment