
Code and tools released under the DFG research project AppAware

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Supplemental Material to the Paper: Scalable Application- and User-aware Resource Allocation in Enterprise Networks Using End-Host Pacing

This repository contains the supplemental material to the paper Scalable Application- and User-aware Resource Allocation in Enterprise Networks Using End-Host Pacing published in the ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ToMPECS). Open Access Paper

Name Link Description
clients README.md Automated client applications used in the experiments.
sch_cfq README.md Customized version of the sch_fq Linux Kernel module.
optimization README.md Application-aware bandwidth allocation Gurobi MILP.
demo_setup README.md Self-contained demonstration setup based on Vagrant.


This work has been supported, in part, by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the grant numbers KE1863/6-1, ZI1334/2-1 and TR257/43-1. The authors alone are responsible for the content of the paper. Project homepage: https://www.ei.tum.de/lkn/research/dfg-sdn-app-aware/


If you use the provided material, please cite the following paper:

Christian Sieber, Susanna Schwarzmann, Andreas Blenk, Thomas Zinner, and Wolfgang Kellerer. 2020. Scalable Application- and User-aware Resource Allocation in Enterprise Networks Using End-Host Pacing. ACM Trans. Model. Perform. Eval. Comput. Syst. 5, 3, Article 11 (May 2020), 41 pages. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3381996