
Repository for our CVPR 2021 Global Flow Transport Paper

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Global Transport for Fluid Reconstruction with Learned Self-Supervision

This repository is the official implementation of Global Transport for Fluid Reconstruction with Learned Self-Supervision (Project Website, arXiv).

Overview Image
We propose a novel method to reconstruct volumetric flows from sparse views via a global transport formulation. Instead of obtaining the space-time function of the observations, we reconstruct its motion based on a single initial state. In addition we introduce a learned self-supervision that constrains observations from unseen angles. These visual constraints are coupled via the transport constraints and a differentiable rendering step to arrive at a robust end-to-end reconstruction algorithm. This makes the reconstruction of highly realistic flow motions possible, even from only a single input view. We show with a variety of synthetic and real flows that the proposed global reconstruction of the transport process yields an improved reconstruction of the fluid motion.


  • A Linux system with a Cuda-capable GPU
  • CUDA 9
  • Python 3.6, with packages:
    • numpy 1.17.2
    • Tensorflow-GPU v1.12
    • munch 2.5.0
    • imageio 2.6.0 (with its freeimage binary)
  • We include parts of the CUDA Samples
  • We include OpenGL Mathematics v. (GLM), MIT license


  • Install CUDA version 9 (we use 9.2)
  • Install Python and setup the environment via conda:
     conda env create -f conda_env_GlobalFlowRecon.yml
  • Compile the rendering and advection kernels (requires g++ and nvcc compilers):
     python compile.py
  • If the 'freeimage' binaries for imageio are not available on your system download them from Github OR run
     imageio_download_bin freeimage


To reconstruct the final results of the paper, run this command:

  • For a small example multi-view reconstruction run the following command, the data is already provided in the repository:
     python reconstruct_sequence.py --setup "configs/mv_globt_small.json" --fit --deviceID 0
  • For the full sequence multi-view reconstruction example you will need all inputs of the first reconstruction of the ScalarFlow dataset in ./data.
     python reconstruct_sequence.py --setup "configs/mv_globt.json" --fit --deviceID 0
  • For the small and full sequence single-view reconstruction you need the inputs of the first 7 ScalarFlow reconstructions as training-data for the discriminator.
     python reconstruct_sequence.py --setup "configs/sv_globt_disc_small.json" --fit --deviceID 0
     python reconstruct_sequence.py --setup "configs/sv_globt_disc.json" --fit --deviceID 0

You can disable console output with the -c option.


Basic evaluation and rendering of the reconstruction is done automatically at the end of the reconstruction procedure.
To further evaluate, take a look here:

python eval_runs.py -h


Sample Results
Left: multi-view, right: single-view.


    author    = {Franz, Erik and Solenthaler, Barbara and Thuerey, Nils},
    title     = {Global Transport for Fluid Reconstruction With Learned Self-Supervision},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {1632-1642}


This work was supported by the Siemens/IAS Fellowship Digital Twin, and the ERC Consolidator Grant SpaTe (CoG-2019-863850).