
Continuous Mapping

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Is there a way to do SLAM on one ar.drone? I want to be able to add new keypoints to the map and do proper SLAM with the sparse map. Right now I believe the initial scene keypoints are tracked and no new keypoints are added as the drone moves about the environment. I remember PTAM has an easy way of configuring this - by unlocking the initial map. Any help on this? I want to be able to icrementally build up a map of the environemnt around the drone. It seems to be not picking up good new keyframes and features.

You can try to modify the mapLocked, maxKF, minKFDist, minKFWiggleDist, minKFTimeDist values in the wrapper. Or modify the code by yourself by publishing the keyframe command when you need to take a KF. Or even click 'k' in the camera window when building the map from time to time to take new KFs.