
Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This library contains all the Twirl components and helpers needed to implement frontend microservices on the HMRC tax platform.

play-frontend-hmrc is a Scala Twirl implementation of govuk-frontend and hmrc-frontend, adding to it Play, HMRC and tax platform-specific components and helpers that make the process of implementing frontend microservices straightforward and idiomatic for Scala developers.

Table of Contents

Getting started

  1. Add the version of play-frontend-hmrc specific to your Play version in your project/AppDependencies.scala file. For example,

    libraryDependencies += "uk.gov.hmrc" %% "play-frontend-hmrc" % "x.y.z-play-28"
  2. Add a route for the hmrc-frontend static assets in conf/app.routes:

    ->         /hmrc-frontend                      hmrcfrontend.Routes
  3. Define your service name in your messages files. For example,

    service.name = Any tax service

    If you have a dynamic service name you can skip this step and pass the serviceName into hmrcLayout or hmrcStandardHeader.

  4. Create a layout template for your pages using HMRC layout

  5. Problems with styling? Check our Troubleshooting section.

Using the components

To use our components and helpers, you will first need to import them from their corresponding packages in uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components, uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.html.components or uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.html.helpers.

For most components, their parameters are encapsulated within view models, case classes that live within a subpackage of uk.gov.hmrc(govuk|hmrc)frontend.views.viewmodels and are aliased for use under uk.gov.hmrc(govuk|hmrc)frontend.views.html.components.

The following will import all components, helpers, view models, and implicits. This is the most succinct import method, but may require additional imports to resolve ambiguous import compilation errors for some view models. It may also cause unused import warnings.

@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components._
@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.implicits._

Alternatively, you can import components and view models individually to avoid the possibility of ambiguous import compilation errors and unused import warnings.

@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.GovukRadios                                  /* component */
@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.{Radios, Fieldset, Legend, Text, RadioItem}  /* viewmodel case classes */
@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.implicits._

You can then use the components in your templates as follows:

@this(govukRadios: GovukRadios)

@(myForm: Form[_])

 fieldset = Some(Fieldset(
   legend = Some(Legend(
     content = Text("Where do you live?"),
     classes = "govuk-fieldset__legend--l",
     isPageHeading = true
 items = Seq(
     content = Text("England"),
     value = Some("england")
     content = Text("Scotland"),
     value = Some("scotland")
     content = Text("Wales"),
     value = Some("wales")
     content = Text("Northern Ireland"),
     value = Some("northern-ireland")
).withFormField(myForm("whereDoYouLive")))  /* wires up things like checked status of inputs from a play form field */

Useful implicits

The following imports will summon implicit classes that include extension methods for HTML trims, pads, indents, handling HTML emptiness and wiring Play forms.

@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.implicits._
@import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.html.components.implicits._


An extension method withFormField(field: play.api.data.Field) exists for the following classes:

  • CharacterCount
  • Checkboxes
  • Input
  • Radios
  • Select
  • Textarea
  • DateInput

This method allows a Play forms Field to be passed through when creating an instance of a form input, which will enrich the input with the following:

  • Using the Field name for the input name
  • Using the Field name for the input id or idPrefix
  • Using the Field error message to create a Text error messages
  • Using the Field value as pre-filled value (for CharacterCount, Input, Textarea) or pre-selected value (Checkboxes, Radios, Select)

The methods can be used as methods in a Twirl template as demonstrated below:

@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components._
@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.implicits._


@(label: String, field: Field)(implicit messages: Messages)

    label = Label(classes = labelClasses, content = Text(label))

If a value is passed though to the input .apply() method during construction, it will NOT be overwritten by the Field values. These are only used if the object parameters are not set to the default parameters.

Note that you will need to pass through an implicit Messages to your template.

Additionally, there is a second method withFormFieldWithErrorAsHtml(field: play.api.data.Field) which behaves as the withFormField method with the difference that form errors are bound as instances of HtmlContent.

withHeading and withHeadingAndCaption

Extension methods withHeading(heading: Content) and withHeadingAndSectionCaption(heading: Content, sectionCaption: Content) exist for the following classes:

  • CharacterCount
  • Checkboxes
  • Input
  • Radios
  • Select
  • Textarea
  • DateInput

These methods allow either Text or HtmlContent content to be passed through to the form inputs and set as either label or fieldset legend, depending on the underlying component. The methods will also concatenate and apply styling for the content as below:

Parameter Styling applied
heading for Legend <h1 class="govuk-fieldset__heading hmrc-page-heading govuk-!-margin-top-0 govuk-!-margin-bottom-0">$content</h1>
heading for Label govuk-label--xl hmrc-page-heading govuk-!-margin-top-0 govuk-!-margin-bottom-2
sectionCaption <span class="govuk-caption-xl hmrc-caption-xl">$sectionCaption</span>


The implicit class RichDateInput provides an extension method withFormField(field: play.api.data.Field) for the DateInput view model.

This method takes a Play Field and enriches the DateInput with:

  • three InputItems corresponding to the day, month and year fields with
    • ids and names of the form <name>.day, <name>.month and <name>.year
    • standard English and Welsh labels
  • an id, set to the Field name
  • values for the nested day, month and year fields
  • a Text error message from an implicit Messages indexed by the first non-empty:
    • field("day").error
    • field("month").error
    • field("year").error
    • field.error
  • the correct CSS error classes applied to any invalid nested day, month or year field or to all fields in the case of a global date error.

This helper assumes the Field passed to it consists of three nested fields indexed by the keys day, month and year.

For example, if using the one question per page pattern, the method could be used as follows:

  hint = Some(Hint(content = Text("date.hint"))),
  fieldset = Some(Fieldset(
    legend = Some(Legend(
      content = Text(messages("date.heading")),
      classes = "govuk-fieldset__legend--l",
      isPageHeading = true)))

Setting up form validation for this field might look like:

case class DateData(day: String, month: String, year: String)
case class PageData(date: DateData)

object DateFormBinder {
  def form: Form[PageData] = Form[PageData](
      "date" -> mapping(
        "day"   -> text.verifying(dayConstraint),
        "month" -> text.verifying(monthConstraint),
        "year"  -> text.verifying(yearConstraint)

In the code above, dayConstraint, monthConstraint, yearConstraint and dateConstraint would be defined as per the Play documentation on custom validations.

The controller submit method for this form might look like:

def submit() = Action { implicit request =>
        formWithError => BadRequest(dateInputPage(formWithError, routes.DateInputController.submit())),
        _ => Redirect(routes.DateInputController.thanks())

If a value is passed though to the input .apply() method during construction, it will NOT be overwritten by the Field values. These are only used if the object parameters are not set to the default parameters.

Additionally, there is a second method withFormFieldWithErrorAsHtml(field: play.api.data.Field) which behaves as the withFormField method with the difference that form errors are bound as instances of HtmlContent.

Note that you will need to pass through an implicit Messages to your template.


The implicit class RichErrorSummary provides extension methods withFormErrorsAsText and withFormErrorsAsHtml to hydrate an ErrorSummary with the standard 'There is a problem' title in English and Welsh and the errors found in a Play form.

If your form is simple with no nested field values, and you are using the withFormField extension methods to hydrate your form inputs, the helper can be used simply as follows:

@if(form.errors.nonEmpty) {

This will construct an ErrorSummary with errors hyperlinked according to the form error keys. For example an error on the name field will be linked to its corresponding input via the href #name. This relies on each HTML input having their id set to their field name.

If you have a form with nested field values and are performing validation on composite fields, such as in the DateInput example above, you will need to map any errors on the composite field to the field corresponding to the first HTML input element in the group:

@if(form.errors.nonEmpty) {
    @govukErrorSummary(ErrorSummary().withFormErrorsAsText(form, mapping = Map("date" -> "date.day")))

This will ensure all errors are clickable is consistent with GDS guidance

Note, these methods will not overwrite any existing ErrorSummary properties. For example, if you manually pass in a non-empty title, it will not be overwritten.

To use this class you will need to have an implicit Messages in scope.


The implicit class RichStringSupport hydrates the basic String class with a series of extension helper methods to convert a String to a component without the need for nesting in case classes, or for wrapping as Text.

These methods are called as standard extension methods, for example:

import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.implicits._ 

"This is a string for a fieldset legend".toFieldset

will return:

  legend = Some(Legend(content = Text("This is a string for a fieldset legend")))

The following implicit conversions exist for a String:

  • toHint
  • toText
  • toKey
  • toHeadCell
  • toFieldset
  • toTag
  • toLabel
  • toLegend

Using the HMRC layout

The hmrcLayout helper generates a layout for your pages including the hmrcStandardHeader, hmrcStandardFooter, Welsh language toggle, and various banners.

To use this component,

  1. Create a layout template Layout.scala.html as follows:

    @import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.html.helpers.HmrcLayout
    @import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.config.StandardBetaBanner
    @import views.html.helper.CSPNonce
    @import config.AppConfig
    @import uk.gov.hmrc.anyfrontend.controllers.routes
    @this(hmrcLayout: HmrcLayout, standardBetaBanner: StandardBetaBanner)
    @(pageTitle: String)(contentBlock: Html)(implicit request: RequestHeader, messages: Messages)
      pageTitle = Some(pageTitle),
      isWelshTranslationAvailable = true, /* or false if your service has not been translated */
      serviceUrl = Some(routes.IndexController.index().url),
      signOutUrl = Some(routes.SignOutController.signOut().url),
      phaseBanner = Some(standardBetaBanner(url = appConfig.betaFeedbackUrl)),
      nonce = CSPNonce.get,
    1. The parameters that can be passed into the hmrcLayout and their default values are as follows:

      Parameter Description Example
      pageTitle This will be bound to govukLayout
      isWelshTranslationAvailable Setting to true will display the language toggle true
      serviceUrl This will be bound to hmrcStandardHeader Some(routes.IndexController.index().url)
      signOutUrl Passing a value will display the sign out link Some(routes.SignOutController.signOut().url)
      userResearchBannerUrl Passing a value will display the user research banner Some(UserResearchBanner(url = appConfig.userResearchUrl))
      accessibilityStatementUrl Passing a value will override the accessibility statement URL in the footer
      backLinkUrl Passing a value will display a back link Some(routes.ServiceController.start().url)
      displayHmrcBanner Setting to true will display the HMRC banner
      phaseBanner Passing a value will display alpha or beta banner. Some(standardBetaBanner(url = appConfig.betaFeedbackUrl))
      additionalHeadBlock Passing a value will add additional content in the HEAD element
      additionalScriptsBlock Passing a value will add additional scripts at the end of the BODY
      beforeContentBlock Passing a value will add content between the header and the main element. This content will override any isWelshTranslationAvailable or backLinkUrl parameter.
      nonce This will be bound to hmrcHead, hmrcScripts and govukTemplate
      mainContentLayout Passing value will override the default two thirds layout
      serviceName Pass a value only if your service has a dynamic service name
      additionalBannersBlock Pass extra html into the header, intended for custom banners. Some(attorneyBanner)
      pageLayout Allow internal services to use a full width layout. Some(fixedWidthPageLayout(_))
      headerContainerClasses Allow internal services to use a full width header. "govuk-width-container"

FullWidthPageLayout should only be used by internal services

The default fixed width layout is for public services.

HmrcPageHeadingLabel and HmrcPageHeadingLegend

These helpers let you use a label or legend as a page heading with a section (caption) displayed above it.

For example, how you could use HmrcPageHeadingLabel with a govukInput:

@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.{GovukInput, Input, Hint, Text, Text}
@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.implicits._
@import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.config.{HmrcPageHeadingLabel, HmrcSectionCaption}

@this(govukInput: GovukInput)

@(myForm: Form[_])(implicit messages: Messages)

    label = HmrcPageHeadingLabel(content = Text("What is your name?"), caption = HmrcSectionCaption(Text("Personal details"))),
    hint = Some(Hint(content = Text("This example shows a page heading inside a <label>")))

For example, how you could use HmrcPageHeadingLegend with govukRadios:

@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.{Radios, RadioItem, Fieldset, Hint, Text}
@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.implicits._
@import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.config.HmrcPageHeadingLegend

@this(govukInput: GovukRadios)

@(myForm: Form[_])(implicit messages: Messages)

  fieldset = Some(Fieldset(
    legend = Some(HmrcPageHeadingLegend(content = Text("Where do you live?"), caption = HmrcSectionCaption(Text("Personal details")))
  hint = Some(Hint(content = Text("This example shows a page heading inside a <legend>"))),
  items = List("England", "Scotland", "Wales", "Northern Ireland") map { place =>
      content = Text(place),
      value = Some(place)

Adding a sidebar to your Layout

The HmrcLayout by default renders the main contentBlock of the page in two thirds width content.

However, if you wish to override the styling of the main content, you can do so by passing in an optional mainContentLayout parameter of type Option[Html => Html], which will apply wrapping content around your contentBlock.

If you wish to create a layout with two thirds, one third styling (for example if your page has a sidebar), there is a helper TwoThirdsOneThirdMainContent.scala.html which can be used as follows:

@import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.html.helpers.HmrcLayout
@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.TwoThirdsOneThirdMainContent
@import views.html.helper.CSPNonce

    hmrcLayout: HmrcLayout,
    twoThirdsOneThirdMainContent: TwoThirdsOneThirdMainContent

@(pageTitle: String, isWelshTranslationAvailable: Boolean = true)(contentBlock: Html)(implicit request: RequestHeader, messages: Messages)

@sidebar = {
  <h2 class="govuk-heading-xl">This is my sidebar</h2>
  <p class="govuk-body">There is my sidebar content</p>

  pageTitle = Some(pageTitle),
  nonce = CSPNonce.get,
  isWelshTranslationAvailable = isWelshTranslationAvailable,
  displayHmrcBanner = true,
  mainContentLayout = Some(twoThirdsOneThirdMainContent(sidebar))

Alternatively, you can declare any template and pass it through as a function or partially applied function that has the signature Html => Html.

For example, you can add a template WithSidebarOnLeft.scala.html as below:


@(sidebarContent: Html)(mainContent: Html)

<div class="govuk-grid-row">
    <div class="govuk-grid-column-one-third">
    <div class="govuk-grid-column-two-thirds">

You can then inject this into your Layout.scala.html and partially apply the function as above.

Example Templates

We provide example templates using the Twirl components through a Chrome extension. Please refer to the extension’s github repository for installation instructions.

With the extension installed, you should be able to go to the HMRC Design System, click on a component on the sidebar and see the Twirl examples matching the provided Nunjucks templates.

Find working examples

You can find working examples of the use of play-frontend-hmrc in the following actively maintained repositories:

Helping users report technical issues

The hmrcReportTechnicalIssueHelper component generates a link that allows users to report technical issues with your service.

To configure this helper, add the following configuration to your application.conf

contact-frontend.serviceId = "<any-service-id>"

serviceId helps identify your service when members of the public report technical issues. If your service is not already integrating with contact-frontend, we advise choosing an identifier that is specific to your service and unlikely to be used by any other service, avoiding any special characters or whitespace.

The component should be added to the bottom of each page in your service. This can be done by defining a reusable block in your layout template and passing into hmrcLayout or govukLayout in place of contentBlock:

@content = {

Opening links in a new tab

The HmrcNewTabLinkHelper component allows you to link to content that opens in a new tab, with protection against reverse tabnapping. It takes in an implicit Messages parameter to translate the content (opens in a new tab).

It is a wrapper around the HmrcNewTabLink, however this helper means that services do not need to explicitly pass in a language for internationalization of the link text.

It can be used as follows:

import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.html.helpers.HmrcNewTabLinkHelper
import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.viewmodels.newtablinkhelper.NewTabLinkHelper

@this(hmrcNewTabLinkHelper: HmrcNewTabLinkHelper)
@(linkText: String, linkHref: String)(implicit messages: Messages)

  text = linkText,
  href = Some(linkHref)

Accessibility statement links

hmrcStandardFooter, included as part of hmrcLayout, generates the standard GOV.UK footer including the standardised list of footer links for tax services.

To configure this helper to link to the accessibility statement service, provide the key accessibility-statement.service-path in your application.conf file. This key is the path to your accessibility statement under https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/accessibility-statement.

For example, if your accessibility statement is https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/accessibility-statement/discounted-icecreams, this property must be set to /discounted-icecreams as follows:

accessibility-statement.service-path = "/discounted-icecreams"

In the exceptional case that you need to link to an accessibility statement not hosted within accessibility-statement-frontend, the default behaviour can be overridden by supplying an accessibilityStatementUrl parameter to hmrcStandardFooter.

CharacterCount with Welsh language support

hmrcCharacterCount is an implementation of the GOV.UK CharacterCount that translates the dynamic words / characters remaining text into English or Welsh using the Play framework Message API. You do not need to pass through the language explicitly to this component, just pass through an implicit Messages.

@import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.html.components._
@import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.html.components.implicits._

@this(hmrcCharacterCount: HmrcCharacterCount)

@(label: String, maxWords: Int, field: Field)(implicit messages: Messages)

    label = Label(content = Text(label)),
    maxWords = Some(maxWords)

Integrating with tracking consent

If you intend to use Google Analytics or Optimizely to measure usage of your service, you will need to integrate with tracking-consent-frontend. The hmrcHead helper generates the necessary HTML SCRIPT tags that must be injected into the HEAD element for every page on your service provided it is configured correctly as below.

Before integrating, it is important to remove any existing snippets relating to GTM, GA or Optimizely. If they are not removed there is a risk the user’s tracking preferences will not be honoured correctly.

Configure your service’s GTM container in conf/application.conf. For example, if you have been instructed to use GTM container a, the configuration would appear as:

tracking-consent-frontend {
  gtm.container = "a"

gtm.container can be one of: a, b, c, d, e, f or sdes. Consult with the CIPSAGA team to identify which GTM container you should be using in your service.

Adding GTM to internal services

If you would like to add GTM to an internal service, you can do so using the HmrcInternalHead helper, which will add the GTM snippet in the <head> block. It should be used as demonstrated below in your own Layout.scala. You will need to pass through a CSP nonce as demonstrated in the example to allow the GTM script.

@import views.html.helper.CSPNonce
@import uk.gov.hmrc.govukfrontend.views.html.components.GovukLayout
@import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.html.helpers.HmrcInternalHead
@import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.html.components.HmrcInternalHeader
@import uk.gov.hmrc.hmrcfrontend.views.viewmodels.internalheader.InternalHeader

        govukLayout: GovukLayout,
        hmrcInternalHead: HmrcInternalHead,
        hmrcInternalHeader: HmrcInternalHeader
@(pageTitle: Option[String] = None)(contentBlock: Html)(implicit request: Request[_], messages: Messages)

  pageTitle = pageTitle,
  headBlock = Some(hmrcInternalHead(nonce = CSPNonce.get)),
  headerBlock = Some(hmrcInternalHeader(InternalHeader()))

Warning users before timing them out

In order to meet the accessibility WCAG 2.1 Principle 2: Operable you must provide users with enough time to read and use content. In particular, WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 2.2.1 (Timing Adjustable) requires that users are able to turn off, adjust or extend the time limit, giving them at least 20 seconds to perform this with a simple action.

On MDTP, users are, by default, automatically timed out of any authenticated service after 15 minutes of inactivity. This mechanism, implemented in SessionTimeoutFilter, clears all non-allow-listed session keys after the timeout duration has elapsed. Services can override this default by adjusting the session.timeout configuration key in conf/application.conf.

The hmrcTimeoutDialogHelper component helps services meet this accessibility obligation by delivering an accessible timeout warning inside a modal dialog a configurable number of seconds before they are due to be timed out. The dialog warns the user with the message 'For your security, we will sign you out in X minutes.' which is updated every minute until 60 seconds are remaining, at which point it counts down in seconds. For screen-reader users, an audible message counts down in 20 second increments.

Users are then given the option to 'Stay signed in', which extends their session by the timeout duration, or 'Sign out' returning them to the supplied signOutUrl.

How to integrate with the timeout dialog

The instructions below assume you have set up play-frontend-hmrc as indicated above.

  1. Identify the signOutUrl that will be used when users click 'Sign Out' on the timeout dialog. A sensible choice for this is the url that is already supplied as the signOutUrl parameter to the hmrcStandardHeader component, which controls the sign out link in the GOV.UK header. See related guidance above.

  2. Update your layout template to pass in the hmrcTimeoutDialogHelper in the HEAD element, supplying the signOutUrl as a parameter. For example if using hmrcLayout, pass Some(hmrcTimeoutDialogHelper(signOutUrl = signOutUrl)) in the additionalHeadBlock parameter.


By default, the timeout dialog will redirect to the supplied signOutUrl if they do nothing after the timeout duration has elapsed. If you wish users to be redirected to a different URL, a separate timeoutUrl can be supplied.

If your service has a timeout duration different to that configured in the session.timeout configuration key used by bootstrap-play, it can be overridden using the timeout parameter. Likewise, the number of seconds warning can be adjusted using the countdown parameter.

If you need to perform special logic to keep the user’s session alive, the default keep alive mechanism can be overridden using the keepAliveUrl parameter. This must be a side effect free endpoint that implements HTTP GET and can be called via an XHR request from the timeout dialog Javascript code. A good practice is to have a dedicated controller and route defined for this so its use for this purpose is explicit. This url will be supplied in the keepAliveUrl parameter to hmrcTimeoutDialog. Do not use # in case the current URL does not implement HTTP GET.

Parameter Description Example
signOutUrl The url that will be used when users click 'Sign Out' Some(routes.SignOutController.signOut().url)
timeoutUrl The url that the timeout dialog will redirect to following timeout. Defaults to the signOutUrl. Some(routes.TimeoutController.timeOut().url)
keepAliveUrl A endpoint used to keep the user’s session alive Some(routes.KeepAliveController.keepAlive().url)
timeout The timeout duration where this differs from session.timeout 1800
countdown The number of seconds before timeout the dialog is displayed. The default is 120. 240

The timeout dialog’s content can be customised using the following parameters:

Parameter Description Example
title The text to use as a title for the dialog Some(messages("hmrc-timeout-dialog.title"))
message The message displayed to the user Some(messages("hmrc-timeout-dialog.message"))
messageSuffix Any additional text to be displayed after the timer Some(messages("hmrc-timeout-dialog.message-suffix"))
keepAliveButtonText The text on the button that keeps the user signed in Some(messages("hmrc-timeout-dialog.keep-alive-button-text"))
signOutButtonText The text for the link which takes the user to a sign out page Some(messages("hmrc-timeout-dialog.sign-out-button-text"))

Adding your own SASS compilation pipeline

This library will manage SASS compilation for you. However, should you need for any reason to add your own SASS compilation pipeline, follow the steps detailed here.

Play Framework and Scala compatibility notes

This library is currently compatible with:

  • Scala 2.12
  • Play 2.8

Example Templates

We provide example templates using the Twirl components through a Chrome extension. Please refer to the extension's github repository for installation instructions.

With the extension installed, you should be able to go to the GOV.UK Design System, click on a component on the sidebar and see the Twirl examples matching the provided Nunjucks templates.

HmrcAccountMenu considered experimental

The account menu component is a port from assets-frontend, this pattern is currently being iterated outside this repository by the PTA team and might be subject to breaking API changes.

Component Configuration

This component provides default menu links but also provides a way to override the links via configuration.

If you wish to override the default links you will need to have the below configuration in your application.conf file.

One thing to note is that the href is built up from concatenating host + href values.

pta-account-menu {
  account-home = {
    host = ${pta-account-menu.pertax-frontend.host}
    href = ${pta-account-menu.account-home.host}"/personal-account-custom"

  messages = {
    host = ${pta-account-menu.pertax-frontend.host}
    href = ${pta-account-menu.messages.host}"/personal-account/messages-custom"

  check-progress = {
    host = ${pta-account-menu.tracking-frontend.host}
    href = ${pta-account-menu.check-progress.host}"/track-custom"

  your-profile = {
    host = ${pta-account-menu.pertax-frontend.host}
    href = ${pta-account-menu.your-profile.host}"/personal-account/your-profile-custom"
  business-tax-account = {
    host = ${pta-account-menu.business-tax-account-frontend.host}
    href = ${pta-account-menu.business-tax-account.host}"/business-account"

If you wish to override the pertax-frontend host value you can do so by setting the pta-account-menu.pertax-frontend.host value.

pta-account-menu {
  pertax-frontend.host = "http://pertax-frontend-host"

NOTE: If you override the platform.frontend.host configuration value, it will take precedence over the pta-account-menu.pertax-frontend.host value.

You may also wish to override the host per service value, this can be done by the below configuration.

pta-account-menu {
  messages.host             = "http://localhost:12346"
  account-home.host         = "http://localhost:12347"
  your-profile.host         = "http://localhost:12348"
  check-progress.host       = "http://localhost:12345"
  business-tax-account.host = "http://localhost:12349"

Component Usage

To use the links from configuration you can use the helper method withUrlsFromConfig() on the AccountMenu instance. The configuration will need to be supplied implicitly as seen in the example below.

  hmrcAccountMenu: HmrcAccountMenu
)(implicit accountMenuConfig: AccountMenuConfig)


To set the message count on the AccountMessages link, you can use the helper method withMessagesCount as below.


There is also an optional Business tax account link provided in the AccountMenu, by default it is set to None and wont be displayed. If you do wish to use it there is default configuration for it, and it will also be pulled in via the withUrlsFromConfig() helper method.


If you are adding HTML elements to your page such as <h1> or <p>, you will need to add the CSS classes for the GDS Transport fonts from the GOV.UK Design System. A full list of the CSS classes can be found at https://design-system.service.gov.uk/styles/typography/.

These styles have been applied to the component supplied in play-frontend-hmrc, but you will need to manually add the styles to your service's own HTML elements.

Getting help

Please report any issues with this library in Slack at #team-plat-ui.

Useful Links

Owning team README

Rationale for code and translation decisions, dependencies, as well as instructions for team members maintaining this repository can be found here.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.