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- ExPassAuth - Simple NodeJs (ExpressJs + PassportJs) server-side app used to manage users and authenticate requests in a Client + Api Architecture . Endpoint authorization is implemented by using JSON Web Tokens. By @tumbone
- Gwizo - Simple Go implementation of the Porter Stemmer algorithm with powerful features. . (also see pygwizo) By @kampsy
- Jenesis Data Store - A dynamic, cross platform, high performance, ORM data-mapper. Designed to assist in rapid development and data mining. By @SubiyaCryolite
- PyGwizo - Next generation Native Python 3 implementation of the Porter Stemmer algorithm with powerful features. (also see gwizo) By @kampsy
- Silhouette - 👤 Quick frontend profile page boilerplate for Laravel. Builds on top of the default Laravel 5 auth scaffolding. By @twmbx