
Basic setup and testing of kafka setup using Docker


Refer https://www.confluent.io/blog/kafka-listeners-explained/ for more detailed inforamtion

Basic setup and testing of kafka setup using Docker

  1. Start docker docker-compose up -d

    Create dirs in case of errors ./kafka_data ./zookeeper_data ./zookeeper_data/zk-data ./zookeeper_data/zk-txn-logs

  2. kafkacat to test basic kafka connections

    Listener BOB (port 29092) for internal traffic on the Docker network docker-compose exec kafkacat kafkacat -b kafka0:29092 -L

    Listener FRED (port 9092) for traffic from the Docker-host machine (localhost) docker-compose exec kafkacat kafkacat -b kafka0:9092 -L

    Listener ALICE (port 29094) for traffic from outside, reaching the Docker host on the DNS name never-gonna-give-you-up docker run -t --network kafka-listeners_default confluentinc/cp-kafka kafkacat -b kafka0:29094 -L

  3. Connect to kafka container docker exec -it kafka_docker_setup_kafka0_1 bash

  4. Create topic kafka-topics --create --topic testvg --bootstrap-server kafka0:29092 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

  5. List topics kafka-topics --list --bootstrap-server kafka0:29092

  6. Watch live log on consumer kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka0:29092 --topic testvg --from-beginning

  7. Post data using produce data usning console-producer kafka-console-producer --broker-list kafka0:29092 --topic testvg