
React multistep wizard component

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Responsive React multistep form component

Take it for a spin here

or, install it from NPM

React 18.x.x, ESBUILD


To use this module in your app run:

npm install react-multistep

next, import it inside of your app:

const MultiStep = import from 'react-multistep'

Component accepts following, optional Props:

showNavigation controls if the navigation buttons are visable boolean true false
showTitles control either the steps title are visible or not boolean true false
prevStyle control style of the navigation buttons style obj null null
nextStyle control style of the navigation buttons style obj null false
stepCustomStyle control style of step style obj null false
direction control the steps nav direction column row
steps it takes an array of objects representing individual steps Step null true


component the step representing component JSX.Element null true
title the step title, present above the steps nav text step index false
const steps = [
              {title: 'StepOne', component: <StepOne/>},
              {title: 'StepTwo', component: <StepTwo/>},
              {title: 'StepThree', component: <StepThree/>},
              {title: 'StepFour', component: <StepFour/>}
<Multistep activeStep={1} showNavigation={true} steps={steps}/>

If you want to explore try the included example...

  1. Start by cloning the repo locally:
//--step 1
git clone https://github.com/srdjan/react-multistep.git   //clone the repo
cd react-multistep                                        //navigate to the project folder
  1. Next, install dependencies and build the component:
npm install
npm run build 
  1. On a succesful build, navigate to the example folder and try it:
cd ../example
npm install
npm run build
npm start
  1. Now you can open the example in your favorite browser:
open index.html

Instead of using the example you also have the option to test it with storybook, in the project folder just run:

npm install
npm run storybook