
Generate Vtuber live stream schedule for Discord

Primary LanguagePython

Vtuber Discord Schedule Generator

discordschedule.py is a Python script for creating formatted schedules for Discord. It takes a text file containing a schedule and outputs a formatted version configured in a JSON file.


discordschedule.py [-h] [-f json] [-nw [N]] schedule.txt

Positional Arguments

  • schedule.txt - Path to the text file containing the schedule.


  • -h, --help - Show the help message and exit.
  • -f json, --format json - Specify a JSON file for formatting settings. Default: schedule.json.
  • -nw [N], --next-week [N] - If this option is omitted the schedule will be set to the current week. If enabled the schedule will be generated for the N-th week from now. If N is not specified it defaults to 1 (next week's schedule).

Format Configuration

Create a JSON file (schedule.json) that contains settings for the schedule's appearance. See example in schedule.example.json.

  • heading - the text that will be put at the top of the schedule
  • date format - format dates in {startdate} and {enddate} used in heading. Time format codes: https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#format-codes
  • standard time - the standard streaming time
  • offline - a keyword used to identify days without streams. Alternatively an empty line can be placed in the input file.
  • live format - format for stream timestamp for discord
  • live url format - format for stream timestamp with the stream URL. This will be used when the URL is specified (see Input File)
  • stream delimiter - used to separate multiple streams that happen in one day
  • time delimiter - used to specify custom streaming time
  • timezones - list the time zone abbreviations and their offset from UTC

Input File

The input schedule (schedule.txt) should list streams. See example in schedule.example.txt.

  • Each line corresponds to a weekday: 1 - for Monday, 7 - for Sunday.
  • Otionaly a URL to the waiting room/live stream can be provided right after the stream title.
  • If there are multiple streams in one day separate them with the stream delimiter in schedule.json (by default ;).
  • Specify live stream time after a time delimiter in schedule.json (by default ,). If the time zone is omitted UTC is assumed. If the time is not specified the standard time in schedule.json will be used. For date/time format details see https://dateutil.readthedocs.io/en/stable/parser.html
  • Everything after # will be ignored.