NestJS Application with 12 factor App

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12 Factor App Nest JS App Example
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Twelve Factor nodejs app

This app demonstrates the twelve-factor methodology in Node.js on

The goal is to walk a user through the twelve-factor methodology with specific examples of how you would implement them in Node.js on The companion application that demonstrates the principles is not implemented yet, but the idea is that you could link to specific line numbers to see a working app, with working code implementing best practices.

The twelve-factor methodology is not specific to Node.js and much of these tips are already general enough for any application.

  • Pin Down NPM Package Versions with Yarn.lock
  • Use Git Flow as a Reliable Version Control Model
  • Manage Configuration Values with Environment Variables
  • Build, Release and Run Containers with Docker Compose
  • Run Stateless Docker Containers
  • Export Services with Docker Port Binding
  • Scale Docker Horizontally with Nginx Load Balancing
  • Ensure Containers Run with High-Availability
  • Run Consistent Dev, Stage & Prod Docker Environments
  • Pipe Log Output to STDOUT with Docker

The Twelve Factors

One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys.

How we do it

This code is tracked on github. Git flow can be used to manage branches for releases.

Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies.

How we do it

package.json declare and lock dependencies to specific versions. npm installs modules to a local node_modules dir so each application's dependencies are isolated from the rest of the system.

Store config in the environment.

How we do it

Configuration is stored in enviornment variables and supplied through the manifest.yml.

Secrets are also stored in environment variables but supplied through a Cloud Foundry User Provided Service. When setting up the app, they are created with a one-time command cf create-user-provided-service tfn-secrets -p '{"SECRET_KEY": "your-secret-key"}'.

Connection configuration to Cloud Foundry Services, like our database, are provided through the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable.

Treat backing services as attached resources.

How we do it

We connect to the database via a connection url provided by the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. If we needed to setup a new database, we would simply create a new database with cf create-service and bind the database to our application. After restaging with cf restage, the VCAP_SERVICES environment will be updated with the new connection url and our app would be talking to the new database.

We use a library which handles the database connection. This library abstracts away the differences between different SQL-based databases. This makes it easier to migrate from one database provider to another.

We expect to be using a database hosted on Cloud Foundry, but using this strategy we could store the connection url in a separate environment variable which could point to a database outside of the Cloud Foundry environment and this strategy would work fine.

Of course, how you handle migrating your data from one database to another can be complicated and is out of scope with regard to the twelve factor app.

Strictly separate build and run stages.

How we do it

package.json allows to configure "scripts" so that we can codify various tasks. npm run build is used to build this application and produces minified javascript and css files to be served as static assets.

npm start is used to start the application. The nodejs_buildpack runs this command by default to start your application.

Execute the app as one or more stateless processes.

How we do it

We listen to SIGTERM and SIGINT to know it's time to shutdown. The platform is constantly being updated even if our application is not. Machines die, security patches cause reboots. Server resources become consumed. Any of these things could cause the platform to kill your application. Don't worry though, Cloud Foundry makes sure to start a new process on the new freshly patched host before killing your old process.

By listening to process signals, we know when to stop serving requests, flush database connections, and close any open resources.

Export services via port binding.

How we do it

Cloud Foundry assigns your application instance a port on the host machine and exposes it through the PORT environment variable.

Scale out via the process model

How we do it

Our app keeps no state on it's own. Configuration is stored in the environment and read at startup. User sessions are stored as cookies on the client. Any other state is kept in the database. This allows our application to scale simply by adding more processes.

We are running two application instances on Cloud Foundry. Each application instance represents a running process of our application. The two instances are likely running on different host machines and have no way of communicating with each other. By making our processes stateless, the two application instances have no need to communicate because all state is stored in our backing service (the database in our case).

Here are the steps the app takes when a request comes in:

  1. A user request comes in.
  2. We parse their session cookie to figure out who they are.
  3. We lookup their user information in the database.
  4. Process their request, possibly with additional database lookups.

Notice how if a user's request comes in on instance 1, the same user's second request could be served by any instance. The steps to process subsequent requests are the same.

If you wanted to add some kind of session caching, that would be a job for another backing service like Memcached or Redis. That way all instances of your application could use a shared cache.

Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown.

How we do it


Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible

How we do it

Choosing your environments is up to you, but it's probably good to have at least two for development. For us, development is our local laptop. Staging is a Cloud Foundry environment we use to preview the application to our partners. Production is a Cloud Foundry environment once it has been accepted by our partners.

As much as possible, the differences between development, staging, and production is simply the configuration which is stored in the environment.

Occasionally we use NODE_ENV, NODE_CONFIG to produce slightly different behavior. Specifically, anything we

Environment variable Description
NODE_ENV How the app is running.
NODE_CONFIG Where the app is running.
Environment variable development staging production
NODE_ENV <unset> production production
NODE_CONFIG <unset> staging production

† That's not a typo, remeber NODE_ENV is how the app is running. Both staging and production are Cloud Foundry environments and warrant a production setup.

For nodejs, NODE_ENV=production has special meaning. npm install will only install dependencies listed in your package.json and will omit any devDependencies. We also use NODE_ENV to condition on how we build our static assets. NODE_ENV=production will include some extra optimizations.

NODE_CONFIG is used sparingly, and only to load environment specific configuration files.

Treat logs as event streams.

How we do it

We use winston as our logger. We use logging levels to provide feedback about how the application is working. Some of this feedback could warrant a bug fix.

Warnings are conditions that are unexpected and might hint that a bug exists in the code.

Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes.

How we do it

Any one-off tasks are added as npm scripts. The meat of these tasks is added to the tasks directory. Some take inputs which can be specified when running the task npm run script -- arguments. Note that by default, we avoid writing interactive scripts. If configuration is complex, the task can accept a configuration file or read a configuration from stdin.

Beyond Twelve Factor

Blue/green deploy

By default, cf push will stop your application while it rebuilds the new one. That means that a cf push results in a service disruption. If your application fails to build, the old application is gone so you are left with no running application at all. Blue/green is a strategy that creates a new application living side-by-side your old application. When the new application is known to be good, the old application is removed and you are left with a working new version of your application.

The autopilot zero-downtime-push plugin will do this for you automatically.

Continuous Integration and Delivery with Git Flow

Git Flow is a useful process for managing relases using git branches. The idea is that branches map to different deployment environments.

master represents well-vetted and partner accepted work and deploys to the production environment.

release-x.y is on track for release and deploys to your staging environment. This allows partners to review the work before it is released. Each release branch is based on development. Once created, this allows developers to commit bug fixes directly to the release branch without hindering development on the next release.

development is an integration branch. This allows developers on your team to test their work-in-progress features with features from other developers.

feature-\* branches represent a single feature. One or more developers may be committing to this branch. When the feature is tested and reviewed it can be merged to development.

Node.js Best Practices

Node.js Best Practices

1. Project Structure Practices

[✔️] 1.1 Structure your solution by components

[✔️] 1.2 Layer your components, keep Express within its boundaries

[✔️] 1.3 Wrap common utilities as npm packages

[❌] No neccessary - 1.4 Separate Express 'app' and 'server'

[✔️] 1.5 Use environment aware, secure and hierarchical config

2. Error Handling Practices

[✔️] 2.1 Use Async-Await or promises for async error handling

[✔️] 2.2 Use only the built-in Error object

![❔] 2.3 Distinguish operational vs programmer errors

[✔️] 2.4 Handle errors centrally, not within an Express middleware

[✔️] 2.5 Document API errors using Swagger or GraphQL

[✔️] 2.6 Exit the process gracefully when a stranger comes to town

[✔️] 2.7 Use a mature logger to increase error visibility

[✔️️] use Jest - 2.8 Test error flows using your favorite test framework

![❔] 2.9 Discover errors and downtime using APM products

[✔️] 2.10 Catch unhandled promise rejections

[✔️] 2.11 Fail fast, validate arguments using a dedicated library

3. Code Style Practices

[❌] No neccessary - 3.1 Use ESLint

[❔] 3.2 Node.js specific plugins

[✔️] 3.3 Start a Codeblock's Curly Braces on the Same Line

[✔️] 3.4 Separate your statements properly

[✔️] 3.5 Name your functions

[✔️] 3.6 Use naming conventions for variables, constants, functions and classes

[✔️] 3.7 Prefer const over let. Ditch the var

[✔️] 3.8 Require modules first, not inside functions

[✔️] Nest must import files directly - 3.9 Require modules by folders, opposed to the files directly

[✔️] 3.10 Use the === operator

[✔️] 3.11 Use Async Await, avoid callbacks

[✔️] 3.12 Use arrow function expressions (=>)

4. Testing And Overall Quality Practices

[✔️] 4.1 At the very least, write API (component) testing

[✔️] use Jest - 4.2 Include 3 parts in each test name

[✔️] use Jest - 4.3 Structure tests by the AAA pattern

[✔️] 4.4 Detect code issues with a linter

[〽️] use Jest - 4.5 Avoid global test fixtures and seeds, add data per-test

[✔️] 4.6 Constantly inspect for vulnerable dependencies

![❔] 4.7 Tag your tests

[✔️] 4.8 Check your test coverage, it helps to identify wrong test patterns

[✔️] 4.9 Inspect for outdated packages

[✔️] 4.10 Use production-like env for e2e testing

[✔️] 4.11 Refactor regularly using static analysis tools

[✔️] 4.12 Carefully choose your CI platform (Jenkins vs CircleCI vs Travis vs Rest of the world)

5. Going To Production Practices

![❔] 5.1. Monitoring!

[✔️] 5.2. Increase transparency using smart logging

![❔] 5.3. Delegate anything possible (e.g. gzip, SSL) to a reverse proxy

[✔️] 5.4. Lock dependencies

![❔] 5.5. Guard process uptime using the right tool

[✔️] 5.6. Utilize all CPU cores

[✔️] 5.7. Create a ‘maintenance endpoint’

[✔️] 5.8. Discover errors and downtime using APM products

[✔️] 5.9. Make your code production-ready

![❔] 5.10. Measure and guard the memory usage

[✔️] 5.11. Get your frontend assets out of Node

![❔] 5.12. Be stateless, kill your servers almost every day

[✔️] 5.13. Use tools that automatically detect vulnerabilities

![❔] 5.14. Assign a transaction id to each log statement

[✔️] 5.15. Set NODE_ENV=production

![❔] 5.16. Design automated, atomic and zero-downtime deployments

![❔] 5.17. Use an LTS release of Node.js

![❔] 5.18. Don't route logs within the app

6. Security Best Practices

[✔️] 6.1. Embrace linter security rules

[✔️] 6.2. Limit concurrent requests using a middleware

[✔️] 6.3 Extract secrets from config files or use packages to encrypt them

[✔️] 6.4. Prevent query injection vulnerabilities with ORM/ODM libraries

![❔] 6.5. Collection of generic security best practices

[✔️] 6.6. Adjust the HTTP response headers for enhanced security

[✔️] 6.7. Constantly and automatically inspect for vulnerable dependencies

[✔️] 6.8. Avoid using the Node.js crypto library for handling passwords, use Bcrypt

![❔] 6.9. Escape HTML, JS and CSS output

[✔️] 6.10. Validate incoming JSON schemas

![❔] 6.11. Support blacklisting JWTs

![❔] 6.12. Prevent brute-force attacks against authorization

[✔️] 6.13. Run Node.js as non-root user

[✔️] 6.14. Limit payload size using a reverse-proxy or a middleware

![❔] 6.15. Avoid JavaScript eval statements

![❔] 6.16. Prevent evil RegEx from overloading your single thread execution

[✔️] 6.17. Avoid module loading using a variable

![❔] 6.18. Run unsafe code in a sandbox

![❔] 6.19. Take extra care when working with child processes

[✔️] 6.20. Hide error details from clients

[✔️] 6.21. Configure 2FA for npm or Yarn

[❌] No neccessary - 6.22. Modify session middleware settings

![❔] 6.23. Avoid DOS attacks by explicitly setting when a process should crash

[❌] No neccessary - 6.24. Prevent unsafe redirects

[✔️] 6.25. Avoid publishing secrets to the npm registry

7. Performance Best Practices

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[✔️] 7.1. Prefer native JS methods over user-land utils like Lodash

[❔] 7.2. Use Fastify in place of Express