Planet Tools
Useful functions to perform everyday conversions and calculation of quantities in exoplanetary science. It is a work in progress, so I am constantly adding and modifying them.
To install
pip install Planet-tools
git clone
cd Planet_tools
python install
The convert_params module contains the following functions:
P_to_aR - convert period to scaled semi-major axis.
aR_to_rho_star - Compute transit derived stellar density from the planet period and scaled semi major axis
impact_parameter - Convert inclination to impact parameter b
inclination - Convert impact parameter b to inclination in degrees.
convert_LD_coeffs - Convert between different LD laws The calculate_params module contains the follwing functions:
RL_Rroche - Calculate ratio of Laplace radius to Roche radius
R_hill - Compute the hill radius of a planet
R_roche - Compute roche radius of a planet as a function of the planet's radius
T_eq - Calculate equilibrium temperature of planet in Kelvin
ingress_duration - Calculate the duration of ingress/egress.
ldtk_ldc - Estimate quadratic limb darkening coefficients for a given star
phase_fold - Given the observation time and period, return the phase of each observation time
planet_prot - Calculate period of rotation of a planet
sigma_CCF - Calculate CCF width of non-rotating star in km/s based on resolution of spectrograph
transit_duration - Calculate the transit duration
The estimate_effect module contains the following functions:
- photo_granulation - Estimate the amplitude and timescale of granulation noise in photometric observations as given by Gilliland 2011
- chaplin_exptime - Compute the optimal exposure time to reduce stellar p-mode oscillation amplitude in the given star to 0.1m/s and 0.09m/s according to Chaplin et al. 2019.
- rv_precision_degrade - Calculate factor by which RV precision of a stellar spectral type degrades due to vsini.
The some_stats module contains the following functions:
- bic - Compute the bayesian information criteria
- aic - Calculate the Aikake information criterion.
- rmse - Calculate the root-mean-square of the inputed error array (residuals)
- sse - Calculate the sum of squared error of inputed error array (residuals)
- mse - Calculate the mean-square error of imputed error array
- mae - Calculate the mean-absolute error of imputed error array
- rse - Calculate the relative-square error from the observed and calculated values
- rae - Calculate the relative-absolute error from the observed and calculated values
- r_squared - Calculate the R2_score commonly