Current State: v0.2.0 Authors: M.Moon/TuneIn DevOps
Maestro is a command line tool for creating, managing, and maintaining AWS Lambdas
- It takes a json document as an input to fill out all the information necessary for creating a lambda
- In the directory you're working in it looks for a directory called "dist" and packages the contents into a zip
- Once complete it uploads your package into lambda with all of the settings you provided
- Allows users to create, manage, and maintain Lambdas utilizing an infrastructure as code model
- Creates a repeatable way to create and deploy changes to Lambdas
- Handles your lambdas relationships with other AWS resources so you don't have to
Want to learn how to use it? Check out the docs!
To install
- Clone this directory
- CD into the main directory containing
- Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Issue the following command:
pip install .
Required Packages
Current Core Available actions
maestro create function_name.json
maestro update-code function_name.json
maestro update-config function_name.json
maestro publish function_name.json
maestro delete function_name.json
maestro create-alias function_name.json
maestro update-alias function_name.json
maestro delete-alias function_name.json
maestro invoke function_name.json
maestro init function_name.json
maestro import function_name.json
Command line flags
autopasses for publish input args on 'create' and 'update-code' actions--create_trigger
stores 'True', must be used to create trigger, must include invoke method and source--invoke_method
$[s3, cloudwatch, sns])--invoke_source
$name of your resource--dry_run
dry run--version
specify a specific version, this is used for invoking lambdas--invoke_type
specify an invocation type from the CLI, options are: RequestResponse, Event, and DryRun)--payload
used to specify a file with a json payload to pass into the lambda, used to test invoking--no_pub
this is used to automatically pass over the "would you like to publish?" input stage for code updates. Useful for pushing code up to $LATEST and testing without mucking with aliases/versions--event_type
this is used for the 'S3' invoke_method only, and allows you to use "ObjectCreated" and "ObjectRemoved" for the event type to invoke your lambda, default is "ObjectCreated"--version_description
this is used for the "publish" action to pass a version description in, default is current date/time in UTC--weight
this is used to split an alias across two versions of your lambda, to do a canary style deploy of new code, only works withupdate-alias
is available on the following Actions:
- create
- update-code
- delete
- create-alias
- update-alias
- delete-alias
- create-trigger (and by proxy: invoke_method & invoke_source)
requires two published versions, and cannot be used with $LATEST
Folder Hierarchy:
---/dist (or any other compatible language)
- The expectation of Maestro is that your code (or binary) and all necessary libs are in a folder called "dist" that is at the same directory level as your configuration file. THIS IS A MUST.
Using Docker
Usage of docker is recommended for use in CICD pipelines to reduce dependency management on build agents
- Example
docker run --rm -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(aws configure get aws_access_key_id) -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(aws configure get aws_secret_access_key) -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=$YOURREGION -v `pwd`:/app maestro-builder $YOURACTION $YOURFILENAME.json
Example notes:
- I've tagged the container "maestro-builder" (docker build -t maestro-builder . from the repo's root directory)
- I'm using 'aws configure get', to fill in the keys, you can replace this directly with your keys
- I've replaced the default region with 'YOURREGION', place a valid region (ie: us-west-2) in place of this
- I'm mount my $PWD to the /app directory of the container (your /dist folder and config file should be at this level)
- Actions and config file name come AFTER the container name (maestro is the entrypoint, you don't need to specify that)