(R) 2023 TUNG Ng.
clone this repository
cd satellite-image-segmentation
install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that you have to use segmentation-models-pytorch==0.2.0
because the code cannot run its latest version.
For instance usage, you can download the Massachusetts Roads Dataset from Kaggle. For training, evaluating and testing, prepare your dataset following the structure bellow:
----- main_folder
---------- test_images
------------- image1.jpg
------------- image2.jpg
---------- test_masks
------------- image1.jpg
------------- image2.jpg
---------- train_images
---------- train_masks
---------- val_images
---------- val_masks
----- label_class_dict.csv
Note that an image file name must be similar to its mask. For example, the image image1.jpg
must have the mask image1.jpg
All arguments are currently put in the Configs()
class, just modify it. There are the explaination of some arguments
- self.training (bool): True if training model
- self.testing (bool): True if testing model
- self.inference (bool): True if infering images
- self.pretrained (bool): If the same model exists, load and continue to train it.
- self.class_dict = path/to/label_class_dict.csv
- self.data_dir = path to the
in the example in the Data preparation section - self.target_objects: objects you want to segment (note that it must exist in the
) - self.sample_folder: path to the folder for inference
- self.save = save the results (test logs and infered images)
Just run
python main.py
There are some results of the UNet with ResNet-101 encoder for road segmentation task