
automagically load graphql definitions and resolvers and return an executable schema

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Automagically Load GraphQL typedefs and resolvers


> npm i load-graphql

# or with yarn
> yarn add load-graphql

load-graphql has peerDependencies on graphql and graphql-tools, so you need to install these 2 packages as well if you haven't

npm i graphql graphql-tools


assuming you have your project structure as follow:

└── src/
  ├── schema.js
  └── graphql/
      ├── common.graphql
      ├── some.resolver.js
      ├── nested
      │   ├── deeplyNested.graphql
      │   └── deeplyNested.resolver.js
      └── otherTypeOfFile.js
# src/graphql/common.graphql
# because Query and Mutation typedef are predefined, you can immediately extend them in your graphql files
extend type Query {
  someQuery: String!
  someOtherQuery: Number!

extend type Mutation {
  createSomething(title: String!): Boolean

scalar JSON
// src/graphql/some.resolver.js
export const Query {
  someQuery: () => 'test'

  // someOtherQuery can be omitted or implement in a different .resolver.js file

export const Mutation {
  createSomething(root, { title }) {
    // ... do something here
    return true

export const JSON = require('graphql-json-type')
// src/schema.js file
import loadGraphql from "load-graphql";

// or
const loadGraphql = require("load-graphql").default;

const pathToGraphqlRootDir = path.join(__dirname, "./graphql");

// difference from v1, in v2, loadGrahpQL return a tuple include the schema, and additional typedef and resovlers
const [executableSchema, reformattedTypeDef, resolversMap] = loadGraphql(

  excutableSchema will
  1. combine all typedefs in .graphql files, and
  2. merge all resolvers in .resolver.js files 
  these pattern can be configurable


loadGraphql function receives a second options parameter with the following properties:

properties key default value description
resolversPattern **/*.resolver.js glob for matching resolver files
typedefsPattern **/*.graphql glob for matching resolver files

you can pass anything that glob package accepts for these options.

Error handling

load-graphql gracefully handles error thrown while trying to parse typedefs file or require'ing resolver files. In case of error, it will ignore the content of the flawed files and continue.