
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Getting started

Requirements: Node.js version 16+

npm i
## Run as production server
npm run build
npm start

It will start an HTTP server on port 3000. You need to proxy your requests to the server if you use a separate domain.

API documentation

API prevpoint description sample data
GET /api/accounts Get list of accounts { "accounts": Account[] }
GET /api/account/:account_id Get current account Account
GET /api/account/:account_id/conversations get a list of conversations Paginated<Conversation>
POST /api/account/:account_id/conversations create a new conversation Conversation
GET /api/account/:account_id/conversation/:conversation_id information of a specific conversation Conversation
GET /api/account/:account_id/conversation/:conversation_id/messages list of messages Paginated<Message>
POST /api/account/:account_id/conversation/:conversation_id/messages create a new messages Message

GET /api/account/:account_id/conversations

Get first page

GET /api/1/conversation?pageSize=2

Response Get first page

  "rows": [
      "id": "1",
      "participants": [
        { "id": "1", "name": "Will Smith" },
        { "id": "2", "name": "Jada" }
      "lastMessage": {
        "id": "1000",
        "sender": { "id": "1", "name": "Will Smith" },
        "text": "I love you",
        "ts": 1612312312312
      "id": "2",
      "participants": [
        { "id": "1", "name": "Will Smith" },
        { "id": "3", "name": "Chris Rock" }
      "lastMessage": {
        "id": "1001",
        "sender": { "id": "1", "name": "Will Smith" },
        "text": "Don't do that again",
        "ts": 1612312312312
  "sort": "NEWEST_FIRST",
  "cursor_next": "eyJzb3J0IjoiT0xERVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIxIn0=",
  "cursor_prev": "eyJzb3J0IjoiTkVXRVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIyIn0="

Get next page

GET /api/1/conversation?pageSize=2&cursor=eyJzb3J0IjoiTkVXRVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIyIn0=

Response Get next page

  "rows": [
      "id": "5",
      "participants": [
        { "id": "1", "name": "Will Smith" },
        { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" }
      "lastMessage": {
        "id": "1240",
        "sender": { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" },
        "text": "You \"rock\"!!!",
        "ts": 1612312332312
  "sort": "NEWEST_FIRST",
  "cursor_next": "eyJzb3J0IjoiT0xERVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiI1In0=",
  "cursor_prev": "eyJzb3J0IjoiTkVXRVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiI1In0="

GET /api/account/:account_id/conversation/:conversation_id

GET /api/1/conversation/5

Response Get conversation by id

  "id": "5",
  "participants": [
    { "id": "1", "name": "Will Smith" },
    { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" }
  "lastMessage": {
    "id": "1240",
    "sender": { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" },
    "text": "You \"rock\"!!!",
    "ts": 1612312332312

POST /api/account/:account_id/conversations

POST /api/account/1/conversations?with=2

Response Get conversation by id

  "id": "5",
  "participants": [
    { "id": "1", "name": "Will Smith" },
    { "id": "2", "name": "Jada" }

GET /api/account/:account_id/conversation/:conversation_id/messages

Get initial page

GET /api/1/conversation/5/messages?pageSize=10


  "rows": [
      "id": "1241",
      "sender": { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" },
      "text": "You \"rock\"!!!",
      "ts": 1612312332312
      "id": "1240",
      "sender": { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" },
      "text": "You \"rock\"!!!",
      "ts": 1612312332312
  "sort": "NEWEST_FIRST",
  "cursor_next": "eyJzb3J0IjoiT0xERVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIxMjQwIn0=",
  "cursor_prev": "eyJzb3J0IjoiTkVXRVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIxMjQxIn0="
const { data, mutate } = useSWR(`/api/1/conversation/5/messages?pageSize=10`, fetcher);

// later, when optimistic update
// received newer messages
  rows: [...newData.rows, ...data.rows],
  sort: "NEWEST_FIRST",
  cursor_next: newData.cursor_next,
  cursor_prev: data.cursor_prev,

// received older messages
  rows: [...data.rows, [...newData.rows].reverse()],
  sort: "NEWEST_FIRST",
  cursor_next: data.cursor_next,
  cursor_prev: newData.cursor_next,
// initial
[6, 5, 4]
next = NEWEST from 6
prev = OLDEST from 4

// newer
[8, 7]
next = NEWEST from 8
prev = OLDEST from 7

// older
[1, 2, 3]
next = OLDEST from 1
prev = NEWEST from 3

Looking for newer messages

Add cursor={cursor_prev} from the last response

GET /api/1/conversation/5/messages?pageSize=2&cursor=eyJzb3J0IjoiTkVXRVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIxMjQxIn0=

Response Looking for newer messages

  "rows": [
      "id": "1243",
      "sender": { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" },
      "text": "You \"rock\"!!!",
      "ts": 1612312332312
      "id": "1242",
      "sender": { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" },
      "text": "You \"rock\"!!!",
      "ts": 1612312332312
  "sort": "NEWEST_FIRST",
  "cursor_next": "eyJzb3J0IjoiT0xERVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIxMjQyIn0=",
  "cursor_prev": "eyJzb3J0IjoiTkVXRVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIxMjQzIn0="

Looking for older messages

Add cursor={cursor_next} from the last response

GET /api/1/conversation/5/messages?pageSize=2&cursor=eyJzb3J0IjoiTkVXRVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIxMjQzIn0=

Response Looking for older messages

  "rows": [
      "id": "1238",
      "sender": { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" },
      "text": "You \"rock\"!!!",
      "ts": 1612312332312
      "id": "1239",
      "sender": { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" },
      "text": "You \"rock\"!!!",
      "ts": 1612312332312
  "sort": "OLDEST_FIRST",
  "cursor_next": "eyJzb3J0IjoiT0xERVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIxMjQyIn0=",
  "cursor_prev": "eyJzb3J0IjoiTkVXRVNUX0ZJUlNUIiwibGFzdFNlZW4iOiIxMjQzIn0="

POST /api/account/:account_id/conversation/:conversation_id/messages

POST /api/account/3/conversation/5/messages

Body: { "text": "hi there" }


  "id": "1245",
  "sender": { "id": "3", "name": "Jaden" },
  "text": "hi there",
  "ts": 1612312332312