
React ripple effect on any element

Primary LanguageJavaScript

codebeat badge npm npm bundle size (minified + gzip) zero dependencies

Ripple effect for React

This works with any type of element, from <div />, <button /> to <tr /> or <td />. Server-side rendering works fine too.

Demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/k5vo27469r

1. Installation

npm i rippl

# or

yarn add rippl

2. Usage

Example 1: wrap a button

import Ripple from 'rippl'

  <button>click me</button>

Example 2: wrap a table row

import Ripple from 'rippl'

    {rows.map(row => (
      <Ripple key={row.id}>


prop type descriptions
children React Element, only one child accepted the target element
disabled Boolean? (default undefined) when set to true, no ripple effect applied
onClick Function? (default undefined) when onClick is a function, it's called at the moment ripple effect starts
rounded Boolean? (default undefined) when set to true, ripple effect is "captured" within a circular area

Road map

  • add duration props
  • add color prop