These scripts and xsl transforms, enable hosting of a simple NuGet repository under Apache (on Linux).
If you don't already have Apache:
# install apache sudo apt-get install -y apache2 # start apache sudo service apache2 start
If you don't already have incron:
# install incron sudo apt-get install -y incron # start incron sudo service incrond start
If you don't already have curl and git:
# install incron sudo apt-get install -y curl git
Create your repository:
sudo mkdir -p /data/repos && sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) /data # clone this tool as your repository root git clone /data/repos/nuget # create your packages folder mkdir /data/repos/nuget/nupkg # make generate-manifest executable chmod u+x
Configure Apache to host your NuGet repo:
sudo echo "<Directory /sshfs-pointer-int/>" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sudo echo " Options Indexes FollowSymLinks" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf sudo echo " AllowOverride None" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf sudo echo " Require all granted" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf sudo echo "" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
# modify /data/repos/nuget/misc/data.conf to your liking, then: sudo cp /data/repos/nuget/misc/data.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/ sudo a2enconf data
sudo ln -s /data/repos /var/www/html/ sudo service apache2 restart
Configure incron to regenerate the manifest when changes are detected
# create an incron user table for your user account: sudo cp misc/incron-nuget-repo.conf /var/spool/incron/$(whoami) sudo chown root:$(whoami) /var/spool/incron/$(whoami) sudo chmod 600 /var/spool/incron/$(whoami) # grant permission to run incron jobs to your user account: echo $(whoami)> incron.allow sudo mv incron.allow /etc/ sudo service incrond restart
Populate your repo and manifest:
cd /data/repos/nuget # download some packages # (optional, but useful for testing, otherwise put your own packages in the nupkg folder) chmod u+x /data/repos/nuget/misc/ ./misc/ should run (under incron) whenever a package is added or removed from the packages folder. After running the installation instructions above, you should be able to browse packages at http://localhost/repos/nuget/html/
The generate-manifest script does the following things (in pretty much the order listed):
- locks execution so that only a single instance of the script can run at a given moment
- changes the current working directory to the folder containing the script
- extracts the .nuspec file from the .nupkg files
- moves the extracted .nuspec file from repo_root/pkg_id.nuspec to repo_root/nuspec/pkg_id.pkg_ver.nuspec
- performs an XSL transform on each .nuspec file to generate an html description of the package at repo_root/html/pkg_id.pkg_ver.html
- creates an array of distinct package ids (package name without the version)
- performs an XSL transform on all .nuspec files to generate an xml manifest of all packages at: repo_root/Packages (file without extension, NuGet convention)
- creates a repo_root/.htaccess file, containing 302 redirects from repo_root/package/pkg_id to the latest version of the package at repo_root/nupkg/pkg_id.pkg_ver.nupkg (NuGet convention for package downloads)
- copies the .nuspec file for the latest version of each package to repo_root/latest/
- performs an xsl transform on all latest version .nuspec files to generate an html index of all latest versions of packages at repo_root/html/index.html
Originaly from on Fedora
docker pull tunisiano187/apache-nuget-repo