Delivering delightful digital solutions. Monorepo of monorepos of Open Source packages with combined ~100M/month downloads, semantically versioned following @conventional-commits. Fully powered ES Modules, @Airbnb @ESLint + @Prettier, independent & fixed versioning. Quality with @Actions, CodeQL, & Dependabot.
- asduserSoftServe
- barbagrigiaSaint Petersburg
- brokoljaEarth
- builtinnyaTokyo
- ceeteeSouth Florida
- daveschumakerZillow Rentals
- dduupp@cowboyhq
- developit@Shopify
- edinabaziSkopje, Macedonia
- evgenykochetkovYerevan, Armenia
- fvj@Stripe
- gokaygurcan@BESTSELLER @bestseller-ecom
- hcmlopes
- herrcykel
- idchlifePIE Studio
- imaike
- jaspervd
- jpmcQuotient inc.
- karol-fSzczecin, Poland
- kocisov@ayezee
- ktkization@Triggerise
- michaelboelletNürnberg
- mickaelzhang@trayio
- mkwtys@amaneku
- mortonfoxNew Castle, DE
- neptunus@Gangverk
- nichoth@bicycle-codes
- pschfrPittsburgh, PA
- rozzzlyjsFinesse
- saitoooDE
- sanghinFrance
- smith-30@techtouch-inc
- stevehobbsdev@auth0
- tjFogartyLimerick & Waterford, Ireland
- tunnckoCoreOpen Source & @nodejs since 2014
- yeliu84BaseCase Inc.