Heroku's proxy library based on a forked Cowboy frontend (Cowboyku). This library handles proxying in Heroku's routing stack
And how do you pronounce vegur? Like this.
$ rebar3 compile
$ rebar3 ct
Writing a Router
Vegur is a proxy application, meaning that it takes care of receiving HTTP requests and forwarding them to another server; similarly for responses.
What it isn't is a router, meaning that it will not handle choosing which nodes to send traffic to, nor will it actually track what backends are available. This task is left to the user of the library, by writing a router callback module.
, which provides an example implementation of the callback
module that has to be used to implement routing logic, can be used as a source
of information.
Demo reverse-proxy
To set up a reverse-proxy that does load balancing locally, we'll first set up two toy servers:
$ while true; do ( BODY=$(date); echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: ${#BODY}\r\n\r\n$BODY" | nc -l -p 8081 ); done
$ while true; do ( BODY=$(date); echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: ${#BODY}\r\n\r\n$BODY" | nc -l -p 8082 ); done
These have the same behaviour and will do the exact same thing, except one is on port 8081 and the other is on port 8082. You can try reaching them from your browser.
To make things simple, I'm going to hardcode both back-ends directly in the source module:
-record(state, {tries = [] :: list()}).
This is our list of exported functions, along with the behaviour they implement
), and a record defining the internal state of each router
invocation. We track a single value, tries
, which will be useful to
make sure we don't end up in an infinite loop if we ever have no backends
An important thing to note is that this toy_router
module will be called once
per request and is decentralized with nothing shared, unlike a node-unique
Now for the implementation of specific callbacks, documented in
init(_AcceptTime, Upstream) ->
{ok, Upstream, #state{}}. % state initialization here.
lookup_domain_name(_ReqDomain, Upstream, State) ->
%% hardcoded values, we don't care about the domain
Servers = [{1, {127,0,0,1}, 8081},
{2, {127,0,0,1}, 8082}],
{ok, Servers, Upstream, State}.
From there on, we then can fill in the checkin/checkout logic. We technically have a limitation of one request at a time per server, but we won't track these limitations outside of a limited number of connection retries.
checkout_service(Servers, Upstream, State=#state{tries=Tried}) ->
Available = Servers -- Tried,
case Available of
[] ->
{error, all_blocked, Upstream, State};
_ ->
N = rand:uniform(length(Available)),
Pick = lists:nth(N, Available),
{service, Pick, Upstream, State#state{tries=[Pick | Tried]}}
service_backend({_Id, IP, Port}, Upstream, State) ->
%% Extract the IP:PORT from the chosen server.
%% To enable keep-alive, use:
%% `{{keepalive, {default, {IP,Port}}}, Upstream, State}'
%% To force the use of a new keepalive connection, use:
%% `{{keepalive, {new, {IP,Port}}}, Upstream, State}'
%% Otherwise, no keepalive is done to the back-end:
{{IP, Port}, Upstream, State}.
checkin_service(_Servers, _Pick, _Phase, _ServState, Upstream, State) ->
%% if we tracked total connections, we would decrement the counters here
{ok, Upstream, State}.
We're also going to enable none of the features and add no headers in either direction because this is a basic demo:
feature(_WhoCares, State) ->
{disabled, State}.
additional_headers(_Direction, _Log, _Upstream, State) ->
{[], State}.
And error pages. For now we only care about the one we return, which is all_blocked
error_page(all_blocked, _DomainGroup, Upstream, State) ->
{{502, [], <<>>}, Upstream, State}; % Bad Gateway
And then the default ones, which I define broadly:
%% Vegur-returned errors that should be handled no matter what.
%% Full list in src/vegur_stub.erl
error_page({upstream, _Reason}, _DomainGroup, Upstream, HandlerState) ->
%% Blame the caller
{{400, [], <<>>}, Upstream, HandlerState};
error_page({downstream, _Reason}, _DomainGroup, Upstream, HandlerState) ->
%% Blame the server
{{500, [], <<>>}, Upstream, HandlerState};
error_page({undefined, _Reason}, _DomainGroup, Upstream, HandlerState) ->
%% Who knows who was to blame!
{{500, [], <<>>}, Upstream, HandlerState};
%% Specific error codes from middleware
error_page(empty_host, _DomainGroup, Upstream, HandlerState) ->
{{400, [], <<>>}, Upstream, HandlerState};
error_page(bad_request, _DomainGroup, Upstream, HandlerState) ->
{{400, [], <<>>}, Upstream, HandlerState};
error_page(expectation_failed, _DomainGroup, Upstream, HandlerState) ->
{{417, [], <<>>}, Upstream, HandlerState};
%% Catch-all
error_page(_, _DomainGroup, Upstream, HandlerState) ->
{{500, [], <<>>}, Upstream, HandlerState}.
And then terminate without doing anything special (we don't have state to tear down, for example):
terminate(_, _, _) ->
And then we're done. Compile all that stuff:
$ rebar3 shell
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V6.0 (abort with ^G)
1> c("demo/toy_router"), application:ensure_all_started(vegur), vegur:start_http(8080, toy_router, [{middlewares, vegur:default_middlewares()}]).
You can then call localhost:8080 and see the request routed to either of your netcat servers.
Congratulations, you have a working reverse-load balancer and/or proxy/router combo running. You can shut down either server. The other should take the load, and if it also fails, the user would get an error since nothing is left available.
There are multiple specific HTTP behaviours that have been chosen/implemented in this proxying software. The list is maintained at
OTP Configuration
The configuration can be passed following the standard Erlang/OTP application logic.
{acceptors, pos_integer()}
: number of HTTP acceptors expected. Defaults to1024
.{max_connections, pos_integer()}
: max number of active HTTP connections (inbound). Defaults to100000
.{request_id_name, binary()}
: Vegur will read a request id header and pass it on to the proxied request. It will also automatically insert a header with a request id if none is present. This item configures the name of such an ID, and defaults toX-Request-Id
.{request_id_max_size, pos_integer()}
: The request Id submitted can be forced to have a maximal size, after which it is considered invalid and a new one is generated. Defaults to200
.{start_time_header, binary()}
: Vegur will insert a header representing the epoch at which the request started based on the current node's clock. This allows to specify the name of that header. Defaults toX-Request-Start
.{connect_time_header, binary()}
: A header is added noting the time it took to establish a connection to the back-end node provided. This allows to set the name of this header. Defaults toConnect-Time
.{route_time_header, binary()}
: A header is added noting the time it took the routing callback module to make its decision. This allows to set the name of this header. Defaults toTotal-Route-Time
.{idle_timeout, non_neg_integer()}
: Maximal period of inactivity during a session, in seconds. Defaults to 55.{downstream_connect_timeout, timeout()}
: Maximal time period to wait before abandoning the connection to a backend, in milliseconds. Defaults to 5000ms.{downstream_timeout, non_neg_integer()}
: Maximal time period to wait before abandonning the wait for a response after a request has been forwarded to a back-end, in seconds. Defaults to 30. This value is purely for the initial response, after whichidle_timeout
takes over as a value.{client_tcp_buffer_limit, pos_integer()}
: Size of the TCP buffer for the socket to the backend server, in bytes. Defaults to1048576
bytes).{max_client_status_length, pos_integer()}
: Maximal size of the status line of the client response, in bytes. Defaults to8192
.{max_client_header_length, pos_integer()}
: Maximal size of a given response header line, in bytes. Defaults to524288
, or 512kb.{max_client_cookie_length, pos_integer()}
: Maximal size of a cookie in a response, in bytes. Defaults to8192
.{extra_socket_options, [gen_tcp:option()]}
: Allows to set additional TCP options useful for configuration (such asnodelay
Server Configuration
The HTTP servers themselves can also have their own configuration in a
per-listener manner. The following options are valid when passed to
{max_request_line_length, pos_integer()}
: Maximal line size for the HTTP request. Defaults to 8192. Note that this value may be disregarded if the entire line managed to fit within the confines of a single HTTP packet orrecv
operation.{max_header_name_length, pos_integer()}
: Maximal length for header names in HTTP requests. Defaults to1000
. Note that this value may be disregarded if the entire line managed to fit within the confines of a single HTTP packet orrecv
operation.{max_header_value_length, pos_integer()}
: Maximal length for the value of a header in HTTP requests. Defaults to8192
. Note that this value may be disregarded if the entire line managed to fit within the confines of a single HTTP packet orrecv
operation.{max_headers, pos_integer()}
: number of HTTP headers allowed in a single request. Defaults to 1000.{timeout, timeout()}
: Delay, in milliseconds, after which a connection is closed for inactivity. This delay also specifies the maximal time that an idle connection being pre-opened by some service for efficiency reasons will remain open without receiving a request on it.
It is recommended that options regarding header sizes for the HTTP listener
match the options for the max_cookie_length
in the OTP options to avoid the
painful case of a backend setting a cookie that cannot be sent back by the end
Vegur supports a middleware interface that can be configured when booting
the application. These can be configured by setting the middlewares
vegur:start_http(Port, CallbackMod, [{middlewares, Middlewares}]),
vegur:start_proxy(Port, CallbackMod, [{middlewares, Middlewares}]),
The middlewares value should always contain, at the very least, the result of
, which implements some required functionality.
For example, the following middlewares are the default ones:
: ensures the presence ofHost
headers, and thatcontent-length
headers are legitimate without duplication;vegur_lookup_domain_middleware
: calls the callback module to do domain lookups and keeps it in state;vegur_continue_middleware
: handlesexpect: 100-continue
headers conditionally depending on thefeature
configured by the callback module;vegur_upgrade_middleware
: detects if the request needs anupgrade
(for example, websockets) and sets internal state for the proxy to properly handle this once it negotiates headers with the back-end;vegur_lookup_service_middleware
: calls the callback module to pick a back-end for the current domain;vegur_proxy_middleware
: actually proxies the request
The order is important, and as defined, default middlewares must be kept for a lot of functionality (from safety to actual proxying) to actually work.
Custom middlewares can still be added throughout the chain by adding them to the list.
Defining middlewares
The middlewares included are standard cowboyku
middlewares and respect the same interface.
There's a single callback defined:
execute(Req, Env)
-> {ok, Req, Env}
| {suspend, module(), atom(), [any()]}
| {halt, Req}
| {error, cowboyku:http_status(), Req}
when Req::cowboyku_req:req(), Env::env().
For example, a middleware implementing some custom form of authentication where a secret token is required to access data could be devised to work like:
-define(TOKEN, <<"abcdef">>. % this is really unsafe
execute(Req, Env) ->
case cowboyku_req:header(<<"my-token">>, Req) of
{?TOKEN, Req2} ->
{ok, Req2, Env};
{_, Req2} ->
{HTTPCode, Req3} = vegur_utils:handle_error(bad_token, Req2),
{error, HTTPCode, Req3}
Calling vegur_utils:handle_error(Reason, Req)
will redirect
the error to the Callback:error_page/4
callback, letting the
custom callback module set its own HTTP status, handle logging,
and do whatever processing it needs before stopping the request.
Logs and statistics being collected
- Time it takes to lookup the domain in the domain service.
- Time it takes to lookup a service to connect to.
- Time it takes to connect to the backend server.
- Timestamp before connecting to the backend server
- Timestamp when connection is accepted
Added Headers
All headers are considered to be case-insensitive, as per the HTTP Specification, but will be camel-cased by default. A few of them are added by Vegur.
: the originating IP address of the client connecting to the proxyX-Forwarded-Proto
: the originating protocol of the HTTP request (example: https). This is detected based on the incoming port, so using port 8080 will not add this header.X-Forwarded-Port
: the originating port of the HTTP request (example: 443)X-Request-Start
: unix timestamp (milliseconds) when the request was received by the proxyX-Request-Id
: the HTTP Request IDVia
: a code name for the vegur proxy, with the valuevegur: 1.1
: will be added to the response (using our forkedcowboy
) if the endpoint didn't add it first.
Protocol Details
The vegur proxy only supports HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 clients. HTTP/0.9 and earlier are no longer supported. SPDY and HTTP/2.0 are not supported at this point.
The proxy's behavior is to be as compliant as possible with the HTTP/1.1 specifications. Special exceptions must be made for HTTP/1.0 however:
- The proxy will advertise itself as using HTTP/1.1 regardless whether the client uses HTTP/1.0 or not.
- It is the proxy's responsibility to convert a chunked response to a regular HTTP response. In order to do so without accumulating potentially gigabytes of data, the response to the client will be delimited by the termination of the connection (See Point 4.4.5)
- The router will assume that the client wants to close the connection on each request (no keep-alive).
- An HTTP/1.0 client may send a request with an explicit
header. Despite the keep-alive mechanism not being defined back in 1.0 (it was ad-hoc), the router makes the assumption that the behavior requested is similar to the HTTP/1.1 behavior at this point.
Other details:
- No caching done by the proxy
- Websockets (and the general
mechanism) are supported - Responses are not compressed on behalf of the application
- All HTTP methods are supported, except
. Expect: 100-continue
requests can be automatically answered to with100 Continue
or forwarded to the application based on thefeature
routing callback function.- Only
is accepted as a value forexpect
headers. In case any other value is encountered, the proxy responds with417 Expectation Failed
- The proxy will ignore
Connection: close
on a100 Continue
and only honor it after it receives the final response. Note however, that becauseConnection: close
is a hop-by-hop mechanism, the proxy will not necessarily close the connection to the client, and may not forward it. - By default, the proxy will close all connections to the back-ends after each
request, but will honor keep-alive to the client when possible. Support
for keep-alive to the back-end can be enabled by returning the right values
out of the
callback. - The proxy will return a configurable error code if the server returns a
100 Continue
following an initial100 Continue
response. The proxy does not yet support infinite1xx
streams. - In the case of chunked encoding and
both being present in the request, the router will give precedence to chunked encoding. - If multiple
fields are present, and that they have the same length, they will be merged into a singlecontent-length
header - If a
header contains multiple values (content-length: 15,24
) or a request contains multiple content-length headers with multiple values, the request will be denied with a code400
. - Headers are restricted to 8192 bytes per line (and 1000 bytes for the header name)
- Hop-by-hop headers will be stripped to avoid confusion
- At most, 1000 headers are allowed per request
- The request line of the HTTP request is limited to 8192 bytes
Specifically for responses:
- Hop-by-hop headers will be stripped to avoid confusion
- Headers are restricted to 512kb per line
- Cookies are explicitly restricted to 8192 bytes. This is to protect against common restrictions (for example, imposed by CDNs) that rarely accept larger cookie values. In such cases, a developer could accidentally set large cookies, which would be submitted back to the user, who would then see all of his or her requests denied.
- The status line (
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
) is restricted to 8192 bytes in length, must have a 3-digit response code and contain a string explaining the code, as per RFC.
Additionally, while HTTP/1.1 requests and responses are expected to be
keep-alive by default, if the initial request had an explicit connection: close
header from the router to the backend, the backend can send a response
delimited by the connection termination, without a specific content-encoding
nor an explicit content-length.
Even though the HEAD
HTTP verb does not require a response body to be
sent over the line and ends at the response headers, HEAD
requests are
explicitly made to work with 101 Switching Protocols
responses. A backend that
doesn't want to upgrade should send a different status code, and the connection
will not be upgraded.
Not Supported
- HTTP/2.x
headers with any content other than 100-continue (yields a417
)- HTTP Extensions such as WEBDAV, relying on additional 1xx status responses
- A HEAD, 1xx, 204, or 304 response which specifies a content-length or chunked encoding will result in the proxy forwarding such headers, but not the body that may or may not be coming with the response.
- Header line endings other than CRLF (
) - Caching of HTTP Content
- Caching the HTTP versions of backends
- Long-standing preallocated idle connections. The limit is set to 1 minute before an idle connection is closed.
- HTTP/1.0 routing without a
header, even when the full path is submitted in the request line.
All contributed work must have:
- Tests
- Documentation
- Rationale
- Proper commit description.
A good commit message should include a rationale for the change, along with the existing, expected, and new behaviour.
All contributed work will be reviewed before being merged (or rejected).
This proxy is used in production with existing apps, and a commitment to backwards compatibility (or just working in the real world) is in place.
Architecture Guidelines
Most of the request validation is done through the usage of middlewares.
The middlewares we use are implemented through midjan
, which wraps some
operations traditionally done by cowboyku
in order to have more control
over vital parts of a request/response whenever the RFC is different
between servers and proxies.
All middleware modules have their name terminated by _middleware
The proxy is then split into 5 major parts maintained in this directory:
, which handles the high-level request/response patterns.vegur_proxy
, which handles the low-level HTTP coordination between requests and responses, and technicalities of socket management, header reconciliation, etc.vegur_client
, a small HTTP client to call back-ends- Supporting sub-states of HTTP, such as the chunked parser and the bytepipe
(used for upgrades), each having its own module (
) - Supporting modules, such as functional logging modules, midjan translators,
and so on (
Reference Material
- HTTP Made Easy
- HTTP/1.0 RFC
- HTTP/1.1 RFC (original)
- HTTP/1.1 RFC (updated)
- HTTP/1.1 RFCs (updated again, by HTTPbis), particularly the Messaging RFC, and the Semantics RFC
- HTTPbis Wiki
- The Cowboy Guide
- Key differences between HTTP/1.0 and 1.1
- What Proxies Must Do
- Heroku's HTTP Routing
- 2.0.5:
header can be empty - 2.0.4: vegur_client returns error on invalid encoding types
- 2.0.3: reinstate
as too much stuff breaks without it - 2.0.2: drop duplicate
headers andX-Forwarded-Host
for cache issues - 2.0.1: enable
on connections to backend to support more connections - 2.0.0: adding support for keepalive to the backend, dropping support for OTP 16 and 17
- 1.1.1: minor refactoring, typespecs and documentation changes
- 1.1.0: initial support for PROXY protocol v2
- 1.0.0: first stable release