Nodejs 18+ and NPM
First clone the project use NPM ( in my case ) to install the project
git clone "Your app name"
cd "Your app name"
npm install
npm run dev
I'm currently using docker for building, so you need to install docker app first then use these commands
docker build -t "Your app name" .
docker run -p 3000:3000 "Your app name"
- Nextjs 14 ( of course it's core )
- TailwindCss + Shadcn/Ui for better UI experience
- PrismaORM for interacting with database
- React Query for fetching client side
- NextAuth V5 for authentication and authorization
- Zustand for global state management
- Zod + React-Hook-Form for form validation
- next-intl Added language modlification for the project
- Lucide-icons for icons
- Next-safe-action for server action type safe
- Testing with Jest