
Fast iOS executable dumper

Primary LanguageCGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

    ___ _       _       _
   / __\ |_   _| |_ ___| |__
  / /  | | | | | __/ __| '_ \
 / /___| | |_| | || (__| | | |
 \____/|_|\__,_|\__\___|_| |_|

 High-Speed iOS Decryption System


 ttwj - post 1.2.6
 NinjaLikesCheez - post 1.2.6
 Zorro - fixes, features, code (1.4)

 dissident - The original creator of Clutch (pre 1.2.6)
 Nighthawk - Code contributor (pre 1.2.6)
 Rastignac - Inspiration and genius
 TheSexyPenguin - Inspiration (not really)
 dildog - Refactoring and code cleanup (Clean up, refactoring, new features)

 Thanks to: Nighthawk, puy0, rwxr-xr-x, Flox, Flawless, FloydianSlip, Crash-X, MadHouse, Rastignac, aulter, icefire


Current stable version: Clutch 1.4.6

Clutch [flags] [application name] [...]

  • -a Crack all applications
  • -u Cracks updated applications
  • -f Flushes cache
  • -v Shows version
  • -c Runs configuration utility
  • -i <IPA> <BINARY <OUTPATH> Installs IPA & cracks it
  • -e <InBinary> <OutBinary> Cracks specific already-installed executable or one that has been scp'd to the device.
  • --info Gets info about target

You can also set environment variables to change the behaviour of Clutch

  • CLUTCH_CONF Sets path to configuration file
  • CLUTCH_IGNORE_DEV Ignores the dev updates
  • CLUTCH_COMPRESSION_LEVEL Sets compression level (1-9)
  • CLUTCH_CRACKER_NAME Sets cracker name
  • CLUTCH_NATIVE_ZIP Sets if native zip will be used
  • CLUTCH_METADATA_EMAIL Sets metadata email


If you encounter any issues, please visit our IRC at irc.cracksbykim #Clutch or open an issue here.


Ensure that entitlements are properly signed

codesign -f -s <Signing Identity> --entitlements Clutch.entitlements Clutch


Clutch uses the following libraries under their respective licenses.

ZipArchive by Matt Connolly, Edward Patel, et al.
MiniZip by Gilles Vollant adn Mathias Svensson.

Clutch is released under the GNU Affero General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html)


  • Implement libarchive (built and included)
  • Fix a tonne of stuff

(c) Kim Jong-Cracks 1819-2014