
Toy Golang interpreter written in PHP

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Golang interpreter written in PHP.


use GoPhp\Interpreter;

$interp = Interpreter::create(<<<GO
    package main
    type person struct {
        name string
        age  int
    func newPerson(name string) *person {
        p := person{name: name}
        p.age = 42

        return &p

    func main() {
        s := newPerson("John Doe")
        println("Hello, " + s.name)

$result = $interp->run();

See examples for more. To run examples:

cd ./examples/{name}
php main.php


This is a toy project, not intended for production use.

To see what is already implemented, refer to tests.


install dependencies:

composer install

run tests:

make test

run make help for more commands.

Differences from the Go compiler

  • No support for real goroutines, go statements run sequentially