
🕵️‍♂️ Some missing functionality to find php implementations in vim

Primary LanguageVim script

Vim PHP Find

This plugin was written to have some more finding/refactoring abilities for PHP in vim, when using the refactoring browser.


  • Find usage of a method
  • Find implementations of an interface
  • Find subclasses of a class (extends)
  • Extract an interface
  • Write assignments of class properties


This stuff doesn't take any care to your files. Always check the outcome yourself. It's completely based on some simple search queries and basic vim functionality. It doesn't use AST's or doesn't really parse your code, so it's very prone to errors.


This plugin depends on Ack.vim. Install that first. You can make it faster by installing ag and setting the ackprg for that plugin:

" Ack -> Ag
if executable('ag')
    let g:ackprg = 'ag --vimgrep'


Use your favorite plugin manager to install this plugin.