This project contain the configuration files for neovim.
To set up the project just:
cd ~/.config
git clone nvim
Then its recommended to check if all system dependencies are ok by starting
neovim and running :checkhealth
When all is okey, :PlugInstall
The following Plug
has been added:
tpope/vim-fugitive: Fugitive is the premier Vim plugin for Git.
tpope/vim-rhubarb: If fugitive.vim is the Git, rhubarb.vim is the Hub.
neovim/nvim-lspconfig: A collection of common configurations for Neovim's built-in language server client.
tami5/lspsaga.nvim: Lspsaga is light-weight lsp plugin based on neovim built-in lsp with highly a performant UI.
nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter: Tree-sitter is a parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library.
L3MON4D3/LuaSnip: Adds several lua snipets.
hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp: nvim-cmp source for neovim's built-in language server client.
hrsh7th/cmp-buffer: nvim-cmp source for buffer words.
hrsh7th/nvim-cmp: A completion engine plugin for neovim written in Lua. Completion sources are installed from external repositories and "sourced".
onsails/lspkind-nvim: This tiny plugin adds vscode-like pictograms to neovim built-in lsp.
windwp/nvim-autopairs: A super powerful autopair plugin for Neovim that supports multiple characters.
windwp/nvim-ts-autotag: Use treesitter to autoclose and autorename html tag.
- scrooloose/nerdtree: The NERDTree is a file system explorer for the Vim editor.
ryanoasis/vim-devicons: Adds icons to the plugins.
folke/lsp-colors.nvim: Automatically creates missing LSP diagnostics highlight groups for color schemes that don't yet support the Neovim 0.5 builtin lsp client.
iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim: Markdown preview on the browser.
catppuccin/nvim: Cozy color schemes
- lervag/vimtex VimTeX is a modern Vim and Neovim filetype and syntax plugin for LaTeX files.
Some npm
dependencies are:
npm install -g typescript typescript-language-server
npm install -g neovim
npm i -g diagnostic-languageserver
For C++:
- Archlinux:
sudo pacman -S ccls
as stated here.
For Python:
npm i -g pyright
Mode | Mapping | Description | File |
<space> |
Leader | maps.vim | |
Normal | <Esc> |
Turn terminal in normal mode | maps.vim |
Normal | Ctrl + {hjkl} |
Move between panels | maps.vim |
Terminal | Ctrl + {hjkl} |
Move between panels | maps.vim |
Normal | Ctrl + t |
Create new tab | maps.vim |
Normal | Ctrl + n |
Open bottom terminal | maps.vim |
Normal | Ctrl + ns |
Open vertical terminal | maps.vim |
Normal | Ctrl + nt |
Open terminal in a new tab | maps.vim |
Normal | Ctrl + a |
Select all | maps.vim |
Visual | * |
Search selected text backwards | maps.vim |
Visual | # |
Search selected text forwards | maps.vim |
Normal | Alt + {'h', 'l'} |
Move to previous/next tab | maps.vim |
Normal | Alt + {'H', 'L'} |
Move current tab to previous/next position | maps.vim |
Ctrl + d |
cmp.mapping.scroll_docks(-4) | after/plugin/cmp.rc.vim | |
Ctrl + f |
cmp.mapping.scroll_docks(4) | after/plugin/cmp.rc.vim | |
Ctrl + <space> |
cmp.mapping.complete(4) | after/plugin/cmp.rc.vim | |
Ctrl + e |
cmp.mapping.close() | after/plugin/cmp.rc.vim | |
<CR> |
cmp.mapping.confirm() | after/plugin/cmp.rc.vim | |
Normal | gD |
vim.lsp.buf.declaration() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | gd |
vim.lsp.buf.definition() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | gi |
vim.lsp.buf.implementation() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | <space>wa |
vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | <space>wr |
vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | <space>wl |
print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders())) | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | <space>D |
vim.lsp.buf.type_definition() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | <space>rn |
vim.lsp.buf.rename() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | <space>ca |
vim.lsp.buf.code_action() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | gr |
vim.lsp.buf.references() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | <space>e |
vim.lsp.diagnostic.open_float() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | Shift + Ctrl + d |
vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | <space>q |
vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_loclist() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | <space>f |
vim.lsp.buf.formatting() | after/plugin/lspconfig.rc.vim |
Normal | Ctrl + d |
diagnostic_jump_next | after/plugin/lspsaga.rc.vim |
Normal | gp |
preview_definition | after/plugin/lspsaga.rc.vim |
Normal | T |
hover_doc | after/plugin/lspsaga.rc.vim |
Ctrl + f |
smart_scroll_with_saga(1) | after/plugin/lspsaga.rc.vim | |
Ctrl + b |
smart_scroll_with_saga(-1) | after/plugin/lspsaga.rc.vim | |
Normal | gh |
lsp_finder | after/plugin/lspsaga.rc.vim |
Normal | Ctrl + b |
Toggle nerd tree | after/plugin/neerdtree.rc.vim |
Normal | Ctrl + p |
Search file with FZF | after/plugin/fzf.rc.vim |