
document how to create local DataHarmonizer

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  • install npm
  • make create-data-harmonizer
    • ? What would you like your new project to be called?
      • dataharmonizer
    • Which [classes] should be used as DataHarmonizer templates?
      • only include Person for now
      • we should add more collections to illustrate DH functionality
        • switching template
        • template parameter on URLs
        • multiview

Success! Created project at /home/mark/gitrepos/cookiecutters/my-awesome-schema/dataharmonizer
Inside that directory, you can run several commands:

npm run dev
Start the development server.

npm run build
Bundle the app into static files for production.

npm run preview
Preview the production build locally.

Get started now by running:

cd dataharmonizer
npm run dev

  • primary_email is validated against pattern
  • birth_date uses date pull-down and value can be hand edited but illegal values won't be accepted
  • age_in_years requires an integer value
  • all pull-down options for vital_status are listed as 'undefined'
  • one empty id is tolerated
    • but two aren't
    • replacing one of the blank id with bare '1' is acceptable