
show output of linkml2sheets

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Emphasize the properties of a SlotDefinition that effect validation?

make setup

git status
On branch main
Untracked files:
(use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)

  • fixed
linkml2sheets \
   --schema src/my_awesome_schema/schema/my_awesome_schema.yaml \

ValueError: Cannot interpret: slot_url

  -o, --output TEXT               output file
  -d, --output-directory TEXT     folder in which to store resulting TSVs
  -s, --schema TEXT               Path to the schema  [required]
  --overwrite / --no-overwrite    If set, then overwrite existing schemasheet
                                  files if they exist  [default: no-overwrite]
  --append-sheet / --no-append-sheet
                                  If set, then append to existing schemasheet
                                  files if they exist  [default: no-append-
  --unique-slots / --no-unique-slots
                                  All slots are treated as unique and top
                                  level and do not belong to the specified
                                  class  [default: no-unique-slots]
  -v, --verbose

accidentally committed 911ee14 to main

WARNING:root:Not implemented: slot

population of template still goes to completion

  • add multi-valued indicators and inner key boilerplate